You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6864

Qiao Zui: "


He doesn't want to!

He gave misheng a steamed dumpling. "Good boy, we don't envy you. You know, our little uncle is not human... No, no, I mean, our little uncle is not ordinary! We don't compare with our little uncle!"

"Big watch brother is bad, big watch brother is not human!" Xiaojiang patted the table angrily.

Ye Xingbei: "... Er Bao, don't talk to big cousin like that."

"Brother Dabiao said Dad first," Xiaojiang was unhappy. "Brother Dabiao said dad was not human!"

"No, no, no," said Qiao Zui hurriedly. "It's a slip of the tongue. It's just a slip of the tongue! Big watch wants to say that your father is not ordinary, but Superman! If you accidentally make a mistake, big watch will apologize to your father."

Qiao drunkenly bowed to Gu Jun one by one: "little uncle, I'm wrong!"

Gu Jun glanced at him one by one and rubbed Xiaojiang's small head. "It's a good child to know your mistakes and change them. Shall we forgive him?"

Xiaojiang nodded obediently, "OK, big cousin, if you give me the steamed dumplings in front of you, I'll forgive you."

Qiao Zui: "

There were seven steamed dumplings in a cage. He ate three, misheng ate three, and there was one left.

He quickly handed Xiaojiang the last steamed dumpling and the steamer. "Here, here you are!"

With big black eyes, Xiaojiang looked at the steamed dumplings carefully for a moment, "give them all to me, there's only one!"

Qiao Zui: "

Mr. Gu laughed. "Er Bao likes steamed dumplings. We let the hotel make them for us at noon. Er Bao can eat as much as he wants!"

They will entertain guests in the hotel this noon and evening.

"OK," Xiaojiang smiled sweetly at Mr. Gu, "thank you, Grandpa."

"Good!" Mr. Gu laughed more freely. "Tell Grandpa what you want to eat. Today is a happy day. Babies can eat whatever they want!"

Xiaojiang's eyes lit up: "ice cream! Grandpa, er Bao wants to eat ice cream!"

Xiao Xie immediately raised Bai Pangpang's little hand, "I! I! I!"

Joe teased him drunk. "What are you doing?"

Xiao Xie said, "ice cream!"

Joe Zui deliberately asked, "what ice cream? Is the ice cream your brother Erbao wants to eat?"

Xiao Xie slapped the table anxiously, "I! Ice cream!"

Joe patted the table when he was drunk, but he was not in a hurry, he was laughing.

Xiao Jiang and Xie Mingming are twins, but the two children happen to be the two extremes of children at this age. One speaks very neatly, speaks clearly, and is well organized. A little bit of foam will reason with people.

Little thank you, but the children of this age are relatively stupid. They don't make any progress when they speak more than a year old. They still jump out word by word. It's very fun.

Thank you for staring at Shui Lingling's big eyes. His eyes are red.

He tilted his little head and looked pitifully at Gu Junzhu: "Dad, big watch brother laughed at me!"

Qiao Zui: "


Why is the complaint so slippery?

What if you don't speak neatly and jump out word by word?

Before Gu Junzhu could speak, Gu Laozi said angrily, "ah Zui, how old are you? Your sons are older than Sanbao. How can you bully Sanbao?"

Joe drunk: "... I was wrong."

He took a bean paste bag in the shape of a little rabbit and put it into the small thank you's dinner plate. "Three treasures, big watch brother is wrong. Will you forgive big watch brother?", the fastest update of the webnovel!