You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6857

In the twinkling of an eye, Wu Xiuzhi's face was swollen.

Two policemen took the opportunity to drive Wu Xiuzhi out of the door.

Perhaps she was stunned by Mrs. Tan, or to avoid the old lady's slap. This time, Wu Xiuzhi didn't struggle and cry. The two policemen smoothly took her out of the door and stuffed her into the police car.

A moment later, the siren roared and the police car sped away.

"Mom!" Tan Shenmeng chased out crying.

Helpless to watch the police car speeding away, she turned and stumbled into the living room, rushed to Lin Shenshi and beat her hard: "my mother is your own aunt! How can you do this to her! How can you let me and my brother meet people in the future? How can you be so selfish? Why can't you think about me and my brother? Are you still my cousin? I don't have such a heartless cousin!"

"That's great!" Lin Shen pushed her away. "I'm not as selfish and mentally disabled as you. Don't say you're my cousin in the future. I don't know you!"

After that, he stopped looking at Tan Shenmeng and turned his face to old man Tan and old lady Tan: "Grandpa and grandma, I'm worried about my mother. I'll book the earliest ticket to Beijing. After a while, I'll come back with my father, mother and deer and I'll visit you again."

Master Tan sighed helplessly and nodded, "I see. You can take good care of your mother."

Lin Shen nodded, "I know, Grandpa."

Mrs. Tan said, "when I was deep, wait for me. I packed up my things and went to the capital with you. I don't trust your mother. You can book a ticket for me."

When Lin Shen was stunned, he recovered and said in surprise, "grandma, you want to see my mother with me? Great! My mother must be happy to see you!"

Hit by Lin Shen's words, Tan Shenmeng suddenly turned his attention to old lady tan.

Just now, how did she forget her grandmother?

Just now, she should have begged her grandmother!

Her grandmother is her aunt's biological mother. If her grandmother calls her aunt, her aunt will listen to her grandmother and let her mother go!

To understand this, her heart immediately raised hope. She rushed to Mrs. Tan and grabbed her arm: "grandma, you save my mother! If people outside know about my mother, how can my brother marry a good wife? Who is willing to marry us? Grandma, call my aunt quickly and let my aunt let my mother out!"

"If you want to beat yourself, I have no face to beat!" old Mrs. Tan took out her arms. "I gave birth to my sons and daughters. I don't value men over women, and I don't favor any one. I will face anyone who has reason, ignore anyone who has done bad things, and bear it by myself. I won't excuse her without face and skin!"

Although she is old, she is not confused.

Sons and daughters are the flesh of her heart.

If her daughter-in-law did something wrong, she would not press her daughter's head and wronged her daughter by knocking off her teeth and swallowing them.

Perhaps for a moment, she also wanted to calm things down. But thinking about the suffering of Lin Jianlu and the sins of her daughter, she put down the idea of calming things down.

In the same sentence, the son is pro, and the daughter is pro.

If the son blames her for this, he is unfilial. He will go as far as he can.

Her daughter is filial. With her daughter, how should she live in the future? It's no worse than before!, the fastest update of the webnovel!