You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6828

"Talk nonsense again, I'll spank you!" Gu Jun stretched out his hand one by one.

"You go away!" Ye Xingbei smiled and pushed him.

Mr. Gu didn't go away, but held her tightest. "I won't go away! No one wants to bully you and take advantage of you with me."

"Well," Ye Xingbei nodded, "I know."

Gu Junzhu said, "I won't go to the company tomorrow. I'll wait for ye Xinglan at home."

"Wait at home?" Ye Xingbei flashed his eyes: "don't you go to pick up the plane?"

"Pick up the plane?" Mr. Gu smiled. "Pick up the duck and don't pick him up."

Ye Xingbei smiled wildly and pinched his cheek: "still say you're not childish? Just admit it, you're childish!"

Gu Jun bit her hand with a crooked head.

She ducked with a smile and leaned her lips over.

Gu Wuye's mouth is honest

The next day, Mr. Gu didn't go to the company.

Ye Xinglan arrived in the evening.

Yes, yes, not one person or several people, but a group of people.

Fortunately, the living room for carving time is large enough, otherwise there is no place to sit.

All the members of the Ye family went out. Five members of the family, ye Xinglan, ye Xingli's parents and ye Wuwei, all came.

The five members of the Lin family came with them.

Lin's father and mother, Lin Shenshi and Lin Jianlu, and Lin Rao, the adopted daughter of the Lin family.

In addition to them, Xie Yunlin and Xie Jinfei knew they were coming and made time to meet them.

Plus Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei, nearly 20 people sat in the living room.

This is just the master. The Ye family and the Lin family also brought a mighty bodyguard team. Fortunately, there were many houses during the carving time. Those people were handed over to Gu Chi for resettlement.

After the greetings, the guests and guests took their seats. Ye Xinglan was responsible for introducing the five members of the Lin family to everyone.

After the introduction, the topic turned to the two children.

Ye Wuwei wanted to see the child. Ye Xingli saw his father's mind and asked Ye Xingbei, "Beibei, where are my nephews?"

"Xiaoshu went to school," said Ye Xingbei. "Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie went to the backyard with the bodyguards. The two little ones slept upstairs."

"Can you hold the little one downstairs?" Ye Xingli asked, "I want to see my two big nephews."

"What nonsense?" Qi Fu Liu Chen glanced at him, "talk well!"

What is a freshly baked nephew?

Can the child be fresh?

Besides, it's been a while since Beibei gave birth to a child. They didn't come to see the child because they were abroad. Now the child is not fresh, okay?

Being stared at by his wife, ye Xingli laughed, "are you kidding? Beibei won't mind, right Beibei?"

Of course, ye Xingbei didn't care about this little thing. He stood up and said, "I'll take the little fish and youyou down."

Mr. Gu stood up and said, "I'll go with you."

Ye Xingbei nodded and said to Xie Yunlin, "brother, please help me entertain the guests."

Xie Yunlin nodded, "don't worry."

Listening to Ye Xingbei's dialogue with Gu Junzhu and Xie Yunlin, ye Wuwei's eyes darkened.

Ye Xingbei called them "guests".

In his niece's heart, they are just guests

But who is to blame?

The bubbles on your feet come out by yourself.

Today, if he can enter the gate and sit in the living room, he is stained with the light of his second son and second daughter-in-law.

Ye Xingbei had a good relationship with his second son and his second daughter-in-law. He didn't want them to be caught in the middle, so he let them enter the door of the family.

Otherwise, he can't even enter the door of his family., the fastest update of the webnovel!