You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6826

Only close people can speak without scruples.

He likes Ye Xingbei to talk to him like this, rather than being polite. What he says is scene words.

Listen to him smile, ye Xingbei also smiled, "see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." ye Xinglan's voice was deep and warm.

Ye Xingbei smiled and hung up his cell phone.

Hang up, she told Gu Junzhu what ye Xinglan said.

"Want to recognize a godfather and godmother for you?" Gu Junzhu raised his eyebrows after listening: "he thinks very beautiful!"

Isn't Ye Xingbei's godfather and godmother his godfather and godmother, his sons' grandparents?

Does he look like a man who can recognize his parents casually?

He has only one father and one mother in his life. He will never recognize other parents. He can't do anything dry, wet or anything!

His son followed him on this point.

Yan Jingxue and ye Xingbei are close as sisters. They think of everything, and they don't coax his little tree seedlings to recognize her as a godmother.

His little saplings are still small. They don't want to recognize their parents. He and ye Xingbei are both parents. Suddenly, a couple came out to be their parents. Why do they think so?

"I didn't promise!" Ye Xingbei quickly comforted Gu Wuye, who had some fried hair. "Brother LAN didn't force me to promise. He said that the main purpose was to let ya'er help Lin Jianlu take a look at his body."

Gu Wuye sneered, "he wants to force you. Let him try!"

One of Ye Xingbei's four brothers has done something wrong to Ye Xingbei. If they love ye Xingbei, he doesn't mind if ye Xingbei has more relatives.

If they want to profit from ye Xingbei, he has to talk to them.

Ye Xingbei: "... Brother LAN dare not."

There is Gu Wuye. Her brother LAN has no tendency to be abused. How dare you force her to do anything?

At best, ask her a few words.

She just won't agree.

In the end, she will help her brother and sister if she can, but no one wants to force her if she doesn't want to help.

It's no small matter to recognize her parents. She doesn't want to recognize them. No one can force her to recognize them.

Besides, don't say she disagrees, her eldest brother, second brother, her father-in-law and her grandfather must disagree.

To recognize parents is not to recognize aunts and uncles.

Her parents are Gu's father-in-law and mother-in-law. Is Gu willing to let Gu have more father-in-law and mother-in-law?

Even if Mr. Gu is broad-minded and doesn't care about these small things, will Mr. Xie be happy?

She is father Xie's granddaughter, and her mother is father Xie's daughter.

Is Mr. Xie willing to let his granddaughter recognize a mother and let a woman who doesn't know where to come out rob his daughter's daughter?

Of course, these are not the most important.

Most importantly, she resisted it herself.

She won't recognize any Godfather or godmother.

Ye Xingbei coaxed Gu Wuye for a few words. Gu Wuye still looked dissatisfied: "I think he hasn't learned a lesson! If he takes you seriously, he won't book the ticket before telling you these things, but first discuss with you and then book the ticket!"

"Also, without discussing with you, he said to bring Lin Jianlu to the capital. How did he know that Yue ya'er was willing to see a doctor for Lin Jianlu?"

To put it bluntly, ye Xinglan hasn't set his own position yet. He still thinks he is the ye Xinglan who had to listen to what he said before!, the fastest update of the webnovel!