You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6817

Xie Jinfei's body stiffened and stopped.

Seeing that he suddenly stopped, Su ran also stopped.

She glanced at Xie Jinfei and looked at him with her eyes.

Not far in front of them, a beautiful young girl was looking at them with tears in her eyes. Her eyes were red, her eyes were sad, and she was greatly wronged.

Su ran suddenly felt nervous and looked at Xie Jinfei subconsciously.

Xie Jinfei looked at Si duomian and had a headache.

This scene is also one of the reasons why he agreed to a blind date.

Stomian always comes to him.

He told her many times that they had divorced. If there was nothing important, it was best not to meet again.

But Si duomian didn't listen and still came to him every three or five times.

He and Si duo Mian are separated by Xie family and Si Nuo. He doesn't give Si duo Mian face and does too much, but he's really fed up with the tangled days with Si duo Mian.

When he just got the divorce certificate, he felt a little guilty about Si duomian.

But this kind of guilt has been consumed by the endless entanglement of siduo cotton.

Now he just wants to be clean with sto cotton, and be beautiful in the future. He won't be involved any more.

He breathed helplessly and strode over.

Seeing Xie Jinfei walking in front of her, Si duomian's tears fell, "brother Fei..."

"Mian Mian, don't come to me again," Xie Jinfei looked at her and said seriously, "I already have a new girlfriend. We've divorced. We should keep a distance so that my girlfriend won't misunderstand."

Su Ran is his favorite type. He and Su ran have a common language and feel very comfortable together.

He decided to contact Su ran for some time.

Now that he has decided to accept Su ran as his girlfriend, he has to break off with STO, otherwise it will be unfair to Su ran.

"Brother Fei, I know I'm wrong..." Si duomian burst into tears. "Brother Fei, I know that I was bad in the past. I was too childish and immature. I put forward ridiculous conditions with you. After we separated, I've been reflecting on myself... I know I'm wrong. I'll change it. I'll listen to you in the future. Shall we remarry?"

She doesn't know what's wrong with herself.

When she was Xie Jinfei's wife, she felt that everything was unsatisfactory and she could not bear the pressure.

However, after she divorced Xie Jinfei, she was even more unhappy.

Her parents love her and her brothers are very good, but no matter how good they are, they are different from her husband.

They can only care about her in their daily life. At night, in the dead of night, she is left alone.

No one slept with her and said some love words to coax her.

Every night, when she turns off the light and lies alone in bed, she misses Xie Jinfei's warm embrace and magnetic laughing voice.

There is a gap only when there is comparison.

Leaving Xie Jinfei, she felt that without that man, the second person in the world could take care of her so attentively.

No matter how much her parents and brothers hurt her, they won't often take her out to play. They can't take her boating on the lake and hug her and say sweet love words.

After divorce, she found how happy it was to have a good man and husband around her.

She wants to remarry.

She knew that Xie Jinfei loved her. After marriage, Xie Jinfei was very kind to her and impeccable.

She thought it was easy to remarry.

As long as she finds Xie Jinfei and reveals her intention to remarry, Xie Jinfei will accept her and take the initiative to remarry., the fastest update of the webnovel!