You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6805

Fu chenjie pulled Lin Jiajia in one hand and a large bucket of mineral water in the other.

When he came to Yao Fang, he pushed Lin Jiajia to Yao Fang.

Lin Jiajia bumped into Yao Fang and they fell to the ground together.

They fell into a ball on the ground and screamed at the same time.

Fu chenjie opened the mineral water bottle in his hand.

The 2000 ml mineral water bottle contains not mineral water but gasoline.

He raised his hand and poured gasoline on the heads of Lin Jiajia and Yao Fang.

The strong gasoline smell stimulated Yao Fang and Lin Jiajia's mouth and nose.

Neither of them is a fool. Naturally, they know why Fu chenjie poured gasoline on their heads.

They screamed bitterly, got up and wanted to run. Fu chenjie rushed over, kicked them to the ground one by one, touched a lighter from his pocket, and looked at them coldly: "Whoever dares to run, I'll throw the lighter on whoever."

Yao Fang and Lin Jiajia immediately dared not move, hoping that each other could escape.

Fu chenjie has only one lighter. Throw the lighter on each other and he can live.

Both of them thought so, so they didn't dare to run away.

Fu chenjie raised his foot and stepped on Yao Fang. "You killed my mother!"

"I didn't... I didn't..." Yao Fang was scared and shook her head desperately: "I didn't mean it... I didn't mean it..."

"Up to now, don't you tell the truth?" Fu chenjie raised his lighter: "if you confess to my mother, I may let you go..."

Looking at the lighter in Fu chenjie's hand, the pungent smell of gasoline stimulated her sense of smell, and she was almost incontinent, "I repent! I repent! I did it on purpose, I did it on purpose! I was pregnant with Miao instantaneous can's child, but Miao instantaneous can't have Miao instantaneous can's child, and she won't let other women have it. As long as the women who were pregnant with Miao instantaneous can't have Miao instantaneous can's child, she let her kill the child. She knows about me and Miao instantaneous can. I'm afraid she'll find out that I was pregnant with Miao instantaneous can's child, I just Good marriage... "

She cried: "I know I'm wrong, I really know I'm wrong! I'm an asshole! I'm an animal! I beg you, please forgive me, forgive me!"

She struggled to kneel down, kowtowed to Fu chenjie and slapped herself in the face.

She doesn't want to be burned alive.

She suddenly remembered a sentence, wilting people out of the tiger.

Honest people are usually honest and easy to bully, but if they are really cruel, even cruel people will sigh for themselves.

Just like those women who have been subjected to domestic violence for a long time, they are usually submissive and dare not resist, but once she can't bear it and resists, it will be fatal. They will not only kill people, but also divide and fragment corpses, and don't even leave a whole corpse for each other.

At first, she chose Fu chenjie because he was honest, bullied, clean and good-looking.

But now, Fu chenjie has become a tiger among the wilting people. He is more cruel than normal people.

She doesn't want to be burned.

It's terrible to be burned.

The terrible scene of burning the living on TV came to mind, and her pants were getting wet.

Realizing what she had done, she was instantly ashamed and angry.

She was incontinent in the street!

There were many people at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau. She and Lin Jiajia cried and ran. Fu chenjie shouted and beat people, attracting many onlookers.

She was scared to pee under the crowd of so many people.

She wanted to dig a hole into it., the fastest update of the webnovel!