You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6777

"Have you ever heard that there is no love or hate for no reason?" Gu Yan looked at her with interest. "Do you know all the past between me and her, and you call me an animal?"

"Of course I know!" Lin Jiajia said with awe inspiring righteousness: "your father died early and your mother remarried, so you don't recognize your mother, but don't forget that even if she remarried, you were born to her. If you don't have the ability, it's all right, but your annual salary is tens of millions, but she lives in the streets. How can you bear it?"

"Even if she remarries, she is also the person who gives you life. She is your biological mother. You watch her without a place to live. Your heart is so cold-blooded. What are you, not an animal?"

[Jiajia is right!]

[I'm so rich, but I don't want to support my mother. No wonder the social atmosphere is getting worse and worse. It's because there are more and more ruthless animals.]

[lawyer Gu looks like a dog, but he doesn't know it's actually rubbish!]

[I still support my parents with a monthly salary of 3000. He doesn't support his parents with an annual salary of 10 million. Jiajia is right. He is an animal!]

The barrage of Lin Jiajia's live studio is supporting Lin Jiajia and scolding Gu Yan. Only a few Yan dogs lament that Gu Yan is handsome, but after lamenting, they often have to lament that how can such a good-looking person be an animal?

Gu Yan didn't have to look at it. He knew that many people must scold him, but he was not in a hurry and his face was still light.

Soon, Gu Zhaoyao arrived and walked quickly to Gu Yan: "brother Yan."

Gu Yan pointed to Lin Jiajia: "open the live broadcast and let her show her face."

Lin Jiajia's live camera was directed at Gu Yan. She herself didn't enter the camera.

Gu Zhaoyao didn't say a word of nonsense. He immediately opened the live broadcast and aimed the camera at Lin Jiajia.

She was very popular and had numerous fans. Suddenly, she opened the live broadcast without any notice. The fans ran around and told each other. Soon, the number of fans in the live broadcast room rose sharply.

But everyone looked confused.

[what's the matter? Why isn't the live studio our Yao goddess? What the hell are the women in it?]

[it seems that it's Lin Jiajia, the female anchor of cat recruitment. Is it Yao goddess who wants to interact with Lin Jiajia?]

"Explain," Gu Zhaoyao's voice is as pleasant as breaking jade. "Lin Jiajia and a woman knelt down at the entrance of the underground garage of our Gu group, disturbing the public order around our Gu group, hurtful and abusing the chief lawyer of our Gu group, resulting in an extremely bad impact."

"In order to avoid her confusing black and white and misleading public opinion, I also opened a live broadcast for justice."

[I see. Fight poison with poison!]

[what's the use of poison to fight poison? We Yaoyao are goddesses, not poison!]

[is Lin Jiajia crazy to be famous? The famous female anchor ran to the door of other people's company to make trouble. What's the difference between this and local ruffians and scoundrels?]

[famous female anchor? You look down on her? Compared with our Yao goddess, she is rubbish!]

Gu Zhaoyao's fans not only poured into Gu Zhaoyao's live studio, but also into Lin Jiajia's live studio, accusing Lin Jiajia.

Lin Jiajia used to boast about her live studio, but it soon became bloody.

Lin Jiajia's face was blue with anger.

She drips the muddy water to be famous.

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