You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6775

"The elders of Wen family have a crush on you and want to occupy you quickly for fear that you will be robbed by others," Yu Mo collapsed in his seat and said lazily. "You don't know. Wen Chang married Su Qi. Wen's father is actually not very satisfied. Wen's family just smells Chang's only seedling. Wen's father means to let Wen Chang recruit redundant people and succeed Wen's family."

"Wen Chang didn't want to marry Su Qi. Wen Chang's parents supported Wen Chang. Wen's father thought it was a good choice to marry the Su family, and reluctantly agreed."

"However, compared with Wen Chang's marriage to the Su family and his marriage with the Su family, what Wen's father wants to see most is his granddaughter recruit a grandson-in-law and give him a great grandson to succeed Wen's family."

Gu Yan nodded: "understandable."

The aristocratic families in the capital have no men. They basically choose this way.

Especially for the older generation, I especially mind that there is no male descendant at home. Not everyone can have sons and grandchildren.

What if you can't have a son or grandson?

The best way is to let daughters and granddaughters become redundant. The children born follow their daughters' and granddaughters' surnames and pass them on to their families.

This kind of thing is common not only in rich families but also in ordinary families in the capital.

"What do you think?" Yu Mo gossip looked at Gu Yan and said, "I think you can get in touch with Wen Chang. I've dealt with her. I have a good character. You can think about it. After all, you're old. My son will call you father. You don't even have a girlfriend. It's too poor!"

Gu Yan: "... Did you come to show your love with me by begging for a ride?"

"No, you're wrong," Yu Mo said. "It's not love, it's superiority."

Gu Yan: "

What else did Gu Yan want to say? The car suddenly stopped.

The car stopped so suddenly that Gu Yan and Yu Mo's bodies rushed forward.

Gu Yan frowned and looked forward: "what's the matter?"

"Sorry, chief Gu," the driver said apologetically, "someone stopped the car."

When the car was driving normally, it was about to drive into the underground garage of Gu's group. Suddenly someone broke out and stopped in front of their car.

Fortunately, because he was about to enter the underground garage, the speed was not fast, and his driving skills were passable, so he didn't hit anyone.

"Someone stopped the car?" Gu Yan looked out of the car.

Seeing the man in front of the car, his eyebrows moved and lightly ordered the assistant sitting in the co driver's seat: "call the security guard and let the security guard pull the man away."

Their current position is the entrance of the underground garage of Gu group. There is a security booth outside the entrance. A phone call will come and the security will come soon.

His assistant Wei Lan also knew the person who stopped the car, frowned and said, "senior brother, someone is broadcasting live, she..."

Before he finished, the woman who stopped the car outside knelt down in front of the car.

Wei Lan: "

He looked back at Gu Yan: "elder martial brother... You may have to go down and have a look, or publish it online. I'm afraid it will have an impact on the image of our company."

Gu Yan smiled and said nothing more. He opened the door and got off quickly.

Yu Mo also wanted to get out of the car and was advised by Wei Lan, "Mr. Yu, don't go down. Someone is broadcasting live."

He pointed to a young girl standing in the corner of the garage entrance.

The girl has a mobile phone and someone holding a radio nearby. She looks very professional.

Wei Lan took out her mobile phone, took a picture of the girl, searched her online, and soon got the result: "Lin Jiajia, a female anchor with millions of fans on the cat recruitment platform.", the fastest update of the webnovel!