You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6754

Making a statement and getting rid of the relationship with Xia Yan is the best way they can think of at present.

Without delay, Su Yuanzhi immediately called the head of the public relations department to convey his meaning to him.

Soon, the public account of Su's group released the news that the Su family had severed their relationship with Xia Yan, and the video taken by the up master was attached to the news.

Soon, # Su's group made a statement that it had severed its relationship # with Xia Yan, and climbed up the hot search list.

The three sons and grandsons of the Su family stared at the comments below the statement and found that they praised their su family's decisiveness. They said that the results were more gratifying than mocking their su family's comments. They were a little relieved.

At present, the public opinion on the Internet is favorable to their su family.

After observing for another half an hour, the wind direction is a foregone conclusion. Unless a big force intervenes, nothing will change. Old Su put away his mobile phone and looked at Su Qi: "how are you and Wen Chang? Has Wen Chang forgiven you?"

Hearing this question, Su looked like a vegetable, "not yet..."

"What do you mean not yet?" old Su's anger came up again. "What a good marriage partner Wen Chang is? How many eyes are staring at her?"

"You are lucky that the Su family and Wen family can get married. Why are you so unlucky that you can't catch a little girl?"

"I just don't have a second grandson. If I had a second grandson, I would have sent you to Africa to dig coal!"

Su Qi: "

Therefore, he must be glad that Su Ran is a girl, not a man?

Otherwise, the Su family might have nothing to do with him.

Old man Su hated iron and steel and looked at Su Qi: "give me a deadline. When will you coax Wen Chang back to me? I'll be 70 years old in a few days. Can Wen Chang come to celebrate my birthday?"

Su Qi opened his mouth and tongue tied. He couldn't give the answer to old su.

These days, he thought of everything, and Wen Chang ignored him at all.

He went to block Wen Chang twice. When Wen Chang saw him, he mocked and said that he was blind. He said that it would be bad luck to marry a man like him and let him go away.

Wen Chang is the daughter's temper. He doesn't lick the dog, does he?

After being scolded by Wen Chang twice, he had no face to gather up with Wen Chang again.

He knew very well that Wen Chang would not forgive him.

It's just that he doesn't know what to say to his grandfather.

Wen Chang is indeed in excellent condition and is the best marriage partner he can find.

Wen family is a rare rich family in Beijing with only daughters and no sons.

Wen family has no son, which means that everything in Wen family will be Wen Chang in the future. Whoever marries Wen Chang will have more family property.

I don't know how many young masters in the capital stared at Wen Chang with green eyes. He was lucky and became a boyfriend and girlfriend with Wen Chang.

But now, good luck was lost by him.

He did it himself.

The thought made him feel uncomfortable.

He subconsciously looked at Su ran.

Wen Chang has a very good relationship with Su ran, and is even a fan of Su ran.

If Su Ran is willing to help him

Father Su noticed Su Qi's eyes and thought of Su ran. He kindly asked Su ran: "Ran Ran Ran, you didn't ask Wen Chang, what did she think?"

Su ran shook his head: "I didn't ask."

Wen Chang came to see her several times and scolded Su Qi for having no conscience and being an asshole.

But she didn't ask about the relationship between Wen Chang and Su Qi, and Wen Chang didn't mention it.

Mr. Su said, "Ran Ran, can you help your brother speak well in front of Wen Chang? Grandpa knows that you have a good relationship with Wen Chang. You can say something nice for your brother. Wen Chang may listen.", the fastest update of the webnovel!