You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6746

Gu Jun is eager for someone to chat with Ye Xingbei, divert Ye Xingbei's attention and alleviate her pain. The more people there are, the more lively the conversation is, the better.

As time went by, the pains became more and more frequent.

More than three hours later, Yue Yaer said to Gu Junzhu, "almost. It's time to go to the delivery room. I'll call a doctor."

Gu Jun nodded one by one and held Ye Xingbei's hand: "don't be afraid, I'll accompany you."

In the hospital where they live, the husband can accompany his wife into the delivery room.

Ye Xingbei felt that the scene of giving birth to a child was... Unsightly and didn't want him to see it.

After negotiation, the couple decided that Gu Junzhu could accompany her into the delivery room, but they could only look at her face behind the curtain, not the way she gave birth.

When there is a husband accompanying the delivery, the delivery room will pull a curtain at the position of the maternal abdomen. If the husband stays at the position of the wife's head, he can't see the wife's production process.

Gu Junzhu naturally followed her and agreed.

The doctor and nurse pushed the cart. Gu Jun carried Ye Xingbei onto the cart one by one, and ye Xingbei was pushed into the operating room.

Probably because this baby is the second baby, this labor process is shorter than the last one, but even so, ye Xingbei is sweating with pain.

Gu Junzhu was distressed. He held her hand in one hand and kept stroking her forehead in the other, "it's okay, it's okay, it's almost ready. After giving birth to this baby, we won't give birth to anything in the future..."

In Gu Jun's constant comforting voice, a clear cry sounded, and the first little guy was born.

After cleaning up a little, the nurse held him in front of Gu Junzhu: "Congratulations, you are a little childe."

The little guy was held in his hand by the nurse and cried with his eyes closed.

Gu Junzhu looked distressed, "please coax him."

He still cares about his wife and his children for the time being.

The nurse smiled and said, "it's all right. Children cry as soon as they are born. The louder the cry, the healthier it is. Otherwise, how can it be called croaking."

Gu Junzhu: "

Who doesn't understand the truth?

But whose child cries, who loves!

The doctor shouted to Ye Xingbei, "Mrs. Gu, don't relax. There's another one in your stomach. Keep working hard!"

Under the command of the doctor, ye Xingbei continued to exert himself.

Three minutes later, there was another cry and the second child was born.

Ye Xingbei was sweating profusely, wet all over and wet his hair.

Hearing the child's cry again, she breathed a sigh of relief and lay in bed without any strength.

Gu Junzhu was also relieved.

It was Ye Xingbei who was having a baby, but he felt that he was about to collapse.

Sitting next to Ye Xingbei, he was full of only one idea. This was the last child. He won't give birth to anything in the future!

Ye Xingbei suffered, and so did he.

Seeing ye Xingbei's face pale with pain, he was beaten through with sweat. He even regretted having this baby.

The three sons are already very well. They should not let his wife suffer this time because they suffer so much for having children.

Fortunately, the production process is very smooth and the mother and son are safe.

The younger brother of the twins was also born safely, and the cry was as loud as his brother.

The nurse also sent his brother to Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei and showed them: "he is also a little childe, but he doesn't look the same as his brother!"

To tell you the truth, the little guy is a little ugly.

Although it's not as wrinkled as described in the book, full of fetal fat and like a little old man, it's not as good-looking as small tree seedlings, Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie., the fastest update of the webnovel!