You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6744

Let yunjue, the little watch brother, take them to their big watch brother's place to play. The two watch brothers coax them not to cry all day. It's no problem.

Gu Junzhu has the same heart with her. With a word from her, he knows what she means.

He touched Ye Xingbei's forehead, "does it hurt?"

Ye Xingbei said, "it's OK."

The labor pains are not frequent at the beginning, and the pain is within the tolerable range.

Soon, yunjue came panting, "little aunt, little uncle."

He glanced at Su ran.

He didn't know Su ran and didn't know what to call him.

At this time, Gu Junzhu was not in the mood to introduce him. He pushed Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie into his arms, "you take them to Xiaoqiao's company."

He squatted down and kissed Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie on their faces. "Would you like your little cousin to take you to your big cousin's company? Big cousin's company is big. You haven't seen many things. It's very fun."

"Where are mom and dad?" Xiaojiang looked at him, "want to be with mom and Dad!"

Xiao Xie simply put his arm around his neck, "yes, Dad!"

Gu Jun was in a soft hearted mess one by one.

I couldn't help kissing the baby sons again. "Good boy, my mother is going to have a little sister. My father takes my mother to the hospital. Er Bao and San Bao can't go to the hospital. Otherwise, if they are infected by the virus in the hospital and get sick, the doctor will give Er Bao and San Bao an injection!"

"Hmm..." Xiao Xie stares round his eyes, loosens Gu Junzhu's neck, and Xiao Pang covers his little ass.

His cute and smart appearance made Su ran suffer from a heart attack.

Oh, my God.

It's so cute!

I want to steal it!

Yun Jue also squatted down, smiled and took the two little guys into his arms. "Isn't it good to play with brother xiaobiao? Brother xiaobiao takes you to see brother Dabiao. There are many models in brother Dabiao's office, including planes, tanks and artillery. It's super fun!"

As he coaxed, he picked up Xiaojiang, thanked him, and motioned Gu Yuhan to pick up Xiaojiang.

Xiaoxie and Xiaojiang snuggled in their arms and waved with Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei reluctantly, "Mom and dad should remember to pick us up early!"

"I see," Gu Junzhu said with a smile, "Mom and dad will pick you up soon!"

He looked at his precious sons and turned a soft heart into water.

His wife teaches the children very well. A little big villains know to be reasonable. When they encounter something, they just talk to them well. Even if they don't understand what their parents mean, they will subconsciously obey and won't cry.

There must be no more sensible and lovely child in the world than his son!

After arranging the two little guys, Gu Junzhu can finally take care of Ye Xingbei wholeheartedly.

He picked up Ye Xingbei and said to Su ran apologetically, "I'm sorry, Ran Ran Ran, I can't entertain you."

"It's all right," Su ran quickly shook his head, hesitated and said with some embarrassment, "can I go to the hospital with you? I want to know what it feels like to wait for a new life to come, which is helpful for my future writing."

Ye Xingbei smiled and nodded: "of course!"

"Thank you!" Su Ran's excited heart pounded.

Gu Jun carried Ye Xingbei to the car one by one.

On the bus, ye Xingbei called Cheng Fengsu and Yue Yaer respectively., the fastest update of the webnovel!