You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6735

"I..." Su Qi was upset when she asked, opened his mouth and tongue tied, and said after a while: "Although Su Ran is my own sister, Su ran just said that there is no fate between us. I don't like her and I fall in love with you. If I choose, I'd rather you be my sister... Anyway, I can swear to God that I really just take you as my sister!"

"No... I don't believe... I don't believe..." Xia Yan sat down on the ground crying.

She suddenly thought of a sentence: fairy tales are deceptive.

She thought that as long as she showed her heart bravely, Su Yuanzhi would support her and Su Qi would accept her.

She's naive.

Su Yuanzhi doesn't support her.

Su Qi refused to accept her.

Sure enough, Cinderella can wear crystal shoes, which only happens in fairy tales.

In the real world, there are no fairy tales, only cruelty.

Unfortunately, she didn't understand this until now.

If she had known that Su Qi didn't love her at all, and her position in Su Yuanzhi's mind was not as important as she thought, she would probably stay at Su's house and don't have any unreasonable thoughts about Su Qi?

She will be honest and honest. Even if Guan Yue and Su ran don't like her, she won't show up with Guan Yue and Su ran. She will be a man with her tail and try to please them.

But she didn't.

She is unwilling.

Unwilling to look up to others, can only crawl at the feet of others.

I don't want to be a guest under the fence, but I want to be the host of the Su family.

There is only one way to be the master of the Su family - Marry Su Qi.

When she had such a way out in her mind, she didn't pay much attention to Guan Yue and Su ran.

Yes, Guan Yue is fine. She doesn't dare to provoke and tries to hide.

She despised Su ran.

What if Su Ran is Su Qi's sister?

Su Qi doesn't like her at all.

Su Qi is much better to her than Su ran!

When Su Yuanzhi retreats, Su Qi becomes the owner of the Su family, and she becomes the young lady of the Su family. What is Su ran?

At that time, Su ran married out and went back to her mother's house. When she met the mistress of the Su family, she had to be humble to please her?

She was very angry, but she forgot that her anger was inconsistent with her identity and strength.

The bright future she dreamed of may not be realized.

Dreams are just dreams and may not shine into reality.

Now, she's lost.

Her father's weight in Su Yuanzhi's mind was not as heavy as she thought. Su Qi was kind to her, and she didn't think she fell in love with her.

She thought she had a very important position in the eyes of the two men in the Su family, and she had enough chips to fight.

In the end, it was just a joke.

She cried for a long time and finally calmed down.

She stood up from the ground with her teeth clenched, and her eyes flashed one by one over the faces of the four Su family members.

"OK, I know..." she said word by word, "I'll remember you!"

One day, she will climb to a higher position than the Su family, ask the Su family to apologize to her, and double back the humiliation imposed on her by the Su family today!

She ran upstairs, grabbed her suitcase from the bodyguard and ran downstairs without looking back.

Guan Yue glanced coldly at Su Yuanzhi and said, "see? This is the good girl you raised! Sheng mien fights Mi Qiu. She hates you if you don't go her way. She forgets who has raised her in good clothes and food for so many years and how much benefit you have given her.", the fastest update of the webnovel!