You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6731

"You..." Xia Yan was full of pain and humiliation: "what do you know?"

If she was born a Miss Su, she can also live a natural and unrestrained life and comment on other people's lives with a smile.

But she's not.

She is a little orphan. She has no father, no mother and nothing. She doesn't plan for her future. Who plans for her future?

"I know everything," said Su ran, looking at her coldly. "I know you like Su Qi. You want to marry Su Qi. What, am I right?"

Xia Yan was tongue tied.

Is she right?

But if in front of Su Yuanzhi, Guan Yue and Su Qi, she says she doesn't like Su Qi and doesn't want to marry Su Qi, will she have a chance to marry Su Qi in the future?

Wen Chang wants to break up with Su Qi. This is her best chance to show her heart.

She doesn't want to escape anymore.

This is her best chance.

If she is driven out of Su's house by Guan Yue, it will be more difficult for her to get close to Su in the future.

She bit her teeth and decided to fight.

She looked up at Su Yuanzhi: "uncle, Ran Ran is right. I like Qi Ge. I hope you can help me and Qi Ge!"

"You, what did you say?" one of Su Yuan's faces was shocked.

"Uncle, I like Qige. Please, you can help me and Qige!" Xia Yan looked at Su Yuanzhi and said, "uncle, you promised my father to take care of me. What better way can you take care of me than let me be your daughter-in-law? You can help me and Qige, let us be husband and wife, and Qige will help you take care of me all my life!"

Su Yuanzhi was stunned.

He never wanted Su Qi to marry Xia Yan.

In his mind, his son is good everywhere. He is the favored son of heaven. Of course, he wants to marry a famous girl better than his wife.

All along, he felt that those who could deserve his son were famous ladies like Wen Chang.

This does not include Xia Yan who has nothing.

Since he married Guan Yue, the Su family has gone to a higher level, asking for money, cultural heritage and cultural heritage. His son has better conditions than he had. Of course, he wants to marry a woman better than Guan Yue. How can he marry Xia Yan?

After a while, he found his voice, "Xia Yan, tell me, is this your own meaning, or did you discuss it with Su Qi?"

He looked at Su Qi. His face was cold and full of wind and rain.

Su Qi was also surprised.

Seeing Su Yuanzhi's dissatisfied look, he quickly shook his head: "Dad, I regard Yan Yan as my sister. I have no feelings for Yan Yan!"

"Brother Qi!" Xia Yan looked at him with tears in his eyes. "Brother Qi, I really love you and you love me, don't you? We will be happy together!"

"Who says I like you?" Su Qi's face was livid. "I like to smell Chang."

"No, brother Qi," Xia Yan cried and shook his head. "It's your uncle's idea to be with Wen Chang. I know you like me!"

"Brother Qi, you are so excellent that there is no need to sacrifice your marriage to get married. You should pursue your own happiness!"

"What are you talking about?" Su Qi said with a livid face, "Chang Chang is better than you in all aspects. It's human nature for me to admire her. You're my sister. I treat you like family, not love."

"But I'm not your sister. We have no blood relationship!" Xia Yan cried, "brother Qi, don't lie to yourself. You like me. Otherwise, why are you better to me than Su ran?", the fastest update of the webnovel!