You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6729

In this way, Su Qi took her to the hospital.

She also thought that when her wound was cured, she would ask Su Qi to take her to the hotel.

She drank a few more drinks. Without Su Ran's hindrance, her plan would still succeed in the end.

Who knows

The later events not only failed to develop according to her plan, but also caused great disasters.

She never dreamed that she was so unlucky. The scene of her and Su ran in the forest would be photographed by a nosy up and sent to the Internet.

Her panic seemed to be reflected in a magic mirror, which was well known all over the world.

Her reputation is rotten without a day.

Had known that there would be such serious consequences, she would not lose her temper with Su ran, push Su ran to the ground or lie to Su Qi.

However, there is no regret medicine in the world.

Who could have imagined that in the inaccessible forest, there was not only her brother and sister Su Qi, but also a fourth person?

Is this life?

But she didn't want to admit her fate.

Her father and Su Yuanzhi used to be classmates and friends. Why was su ran born the eldest miss of the Su family? She was born in Fuwo and had everything she wanted, but she lost her father and mother at a young age. She had nothing and depended on others?

It's not fair.

Apart from her family background, she is no worse than Su ran.

Like Su ran, she is young, beautiful, in good shape and educated.

If Su ran can be the eldest lady of the Su family, she can naturally be the youngest lady of the Su family.

She knows very well that the upper class society pays more attention to matching families. Even if she lives in the Su family and someone introduces her boyfriend, she is just an ordinary white-collar worker.

She wants to marry into a rich family, only to marry Su Qi.

Only Su Qi, who lives under the same roof with her, has feelings for her. She has no chance to get close to and let them fall in love with her.

Only Su Qi. They have been together day and night for so long. She believes that Su Qi loves her.

As long as she is pregnant with Su Qi's child and her mother and son are expensive, she can marry Su Qi and be the young lady of the Su family.

But now, her plan didn't succeed.

She couldn't conceive Su Qi's child. Even, she hasn't had that kind of relationship with Su Qi.

Before she got the chips, Guan Yue was going to kick her out of Su's house.

She is unwilling.

Su Yuanzhi promised her father to take care of her. The Su family can't do this to her!

She cried and went to Su Yuanzhi's feet and grabbed Su Yuanzhi's trouser legs. "Uncle, you promised my father to take good care of me, help me find a good family, see me find support and let me get married. Uncle, you can't break your promise, otherwise my father will not rest in peace under the ground..."

Hearing Xia Yan mention her father, Su Yuanzhi is a little soft hearted.

He and Xia Yan's father were best friends. They were classmates in high school and university.

When he was young, his feelings were most sincere and pure. At that time, he got along with Xia Yan's father day and night. He was at the same table in class and roommate after class, which was closer than his brothers.

Xia Yan's father is a particularly attractive person. After graduating from college, he worked independently and created a family business.

Unfortunately, heaven is jealous of talents. Xia Yan's father and mother died in a car accident. Xia Yan's grandfather and grandmother put more emphasis on boys than girls. Together with Xia Yan's uncle, Xia Yan embezzled the family property left by Xia Yan's father and mother and sent Xia Yan to the welfare home.

Xia Yan's father entrusted him to take care of Xia Yan when he died of serious injury., the fastest update of the webnovel!