You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6724

Su Yuanzhi frowned. "What's this? Get up quickly."

He helped Xia Yan up.

Xia Yan cried heartbroken. "Uncle, people on the Internet are scolding me. They scold me as a shameless white lotus. There are many, many ugly words. Uncle, you must help me..."

She panicked and the whole person was shaking.

She can't lose such a reputation.

If she had such a reputation, Su Qi would not marry her, and other men would not marry her.

She's finished!

"Don't worry," Su Yuanzhi comforted her and looked at Su ran: "Ran Ran Ran, you quickly make a statement that you have a good relationship with your brother and sister Yan. Today's thing is just a misunderstanding. Let netizens stop scolding you sister Yan."

Su ran said coldly, "I don't have a brother or sister. Their affairs have nothing to do with me in the future. Don't look for me."

"You..." Su Yuanzhi frowned. "What are you talking about, boy? It's not a capricious time. You should make a statement and explain it to sister Yan."

He removed the hot Search about his son, probably because his son was his daughter's brother, and his son was cheated by Xia Yan at that time, so he left his daughter. Now he scolds his son less and Xia Yan more.

Of course, he doesn't want anyone to scold Xia Yan, but his son's bad reputation will affect the company's stock price. Scolding Xia Yan also has an impact on the company's image, but it's much smaller. He's not as anxious as his son when he was scolded for hot search.

Su ran was silent for a moment. Instead of answering Su Yuanzhi's words, he looked at Guan Yue: "Mom, I want to move out."

"What nonsense?" Guan Yue held her hand. "If you want to go, it's Xia Yan. This is your home. You're not allowed to go anywhere!"

Guan Yue glanced at Su Yuan and said, "my daughter is hurt. Don't you see? What are you yelling at my daughter? How do you and Su Qiai solve Xia Yan's problem? Don't quarrel in front of me and ran ran! And ah Xu..."

She shouted Zhou Xu.

Zhou Xu answered, "miss."

He was married with Guan family. When Guan Yue was the eldest miss of Guan family, he was Guan Yue's bodyguard.

His name is Miss Guan Yue. It's easy to say. He hasn't changed his name until now.

Guan Yue told him, "take a few people, throw all Xia Yan's things out and tell the gatekeeper that she is not allowed to step into the gate of our Su family in the future!"

"Yes, miss!" Zhou Xu answered, went out and called two people in and went upstairs to pack Xia Yan's things.

"Stop!" Su Yuanzhi shouted angrily at several people.

Zhou Xu asked the bodyguard to look back at him.

Zhou Xu's head didn't return and scolded the two bodyguards: "what are you looking at? Don't go to work!"

The bodyguard hesitated, turned back and followed Zhou Xu.

Su Yuan's face flushed: "Yueyue, what are you doing? Why do you want Yan Yan to move away?"

"She wants to hurt my daughter. Should I let her stay at my house as a guest?" Guan Yue looked at Su Yuanzhi coldly and said: "Su Yuanzhi, since you insisted on letting Xia Yan enter the door of Su's house, I have endured you for a long time and haven't quarreled with you because you have merit. I don't want to divorce you, but don't challenge my bottom line. If you dare to leave Xia Yan, we'll get a divorce certificate immediately. When we get divorced, I don't care if you welcome Xia Yan into the door and make him small!"

Su Yuanzhi's face turned green. "What are you talking about? I regard Xia Yan as my daughter, I......", the fastest update of the webnovel!