You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6715

She likes Xie Jinfei.

Xie Jinfei smiled with a warm look, like Su Feiyang in her dream.

Such a warm smile made her heart beat.

I wonder if he has a girlfriend?

He looks very young. Shouldn't he have a girlfriend?

After all, his sister looks so small, but she is already the mother of three children.

She has a thin skin and doesn't mean to ask.

If only she had a thicker skin.

Be cheeky and ask his sister if he has a girlfriend.

If he doesn't have a girlfriend, she must pursue Xie Jinfei!

She has lived for more than twenty years and has never been in love.

She thought that she only liked writing and was not interested in the feelings between men and women.

It was not until she saw Xie Jinfei's warm smile that she knew that she was not interested in the feelings between men and women, but that she had not met the right person before.

Today, she met.

She wants to have such a warm smile.

I want him to smile at her like he did to his sister.

His smile made her feel like an electric shock. The cold hairs stood up. In his mind, there were pictures of Su Feiyang and Su Feixi laughing and playing in a dream.

Having a brother like Su Feiyang is hopeless in her life.

She has been dreaming for so long that it's time to wake up.

But she can have a husband like Su Feiyang!

All she wanted was a sincere and pure feeling.

This feeling, whether family affection or love, as long as it is hot and pure, she will love like a treasure, precious and important!

Xie Jinfei, who was coaxing Xiaoxie, felt her gaze and subconsciously looked back.

Their eyes met in mid air.

He was stunned for a moment, smiled at Su ran, turned around and continued to coax Xiao. Thank you.

He has heard from his sister. The girl is a poor little girl.

My brother left her injured in the mountains and forests and left with a guest on his back.

His nose almost went awry after he heard it.

How could there be such a brother in the world?

It's a disgrace to my brother!

The key is that the girl is cute and beautiful, clean and smart. She sits on a small stool like a lovely Barbie doll.

Such a clever girl, the elder brother is actually willing to leave her alone in the mountains and forests. It's really not a thing!

Now, that scum brother's voice scared his baby nephew to cry. He hated that scum even more.

The person who can leave his sister behind is really not a good thing!

For Su's sake, Su ran suddenly stopped talking and looked down her eyes: "what are you looking at?"

"I didn't see anything," Su ran took back his eyes. "Let's go. Don't pester here. This is someone else's place. It's impolite for you to quarrel with me here."

"I'm not here to quarrel with you," Su Qi said. "I'm here to take you to the hospital."

"No, my injury has been treated by sister Ye. I don't need to go to the hospital," Su ran said. "You go. I don't want to see you."

"You..." Su Qi's viscera were about to explode.

Su ran sat on a small stool, looked down at the ground, said nothing, and looked like he didn't want to talk to him.

Su Qi had no choice but to wait in the car.

He came confidently, thinking that he could take Su ran away smoothly and let Su ran wash the white for him.

But the fact is that Su ran seems to have changed from trying to please him in the past to turning a blind eye to him now., the fastest update of the webnovel!