You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6709

Guan Yue was distressed for her daughter. "Ran Ran thinks of you everywhere. What about you? You never see or disdain to see her intentions and contributions to you. You only have Xia Yan in your eyes!"

The more she said, the more she blocked her heart, "Su Qi, I don't understand why. You and Ran Ran Ran are close brothers and sisters of a mother's compatriots. You are so good and attentive to Xia Yan who is not related to you. Why can't you be better to Ran Ran Ran."

Su Qi was silent.


Because Su ran was the child born by his parents when he didn't expect it.

He doesn't want any sister.

He wants to be an only child.

Why did his parents have to give him a sister?

He is a boy and can inherit for the Su family. It's enough for the Su family to have one child. Why have another?

When his parents gave birth to Su ran, the state was still implementing family planning, and each family was allowed to have only one child.

His sister was born after his parents paid a fine.

The state does not allow students. Why do his parents not listen to the state and have to have students?

He likes having only one child at home.

Every time Su ran annoyed him, he would think, why did his parents give birth to Su ran.

He thought countless times that if his parents had only one child, there would be no su ran at home, which would hinder his eyes.

Thinking more, he became more and more exclusive and hated Su ran.

For a long time, rejecting Su ran and hating Su ran became his habit.

But he can't say these words to his mother.

It's selfish.

Although the state was still implementing family planning when his mother gave birth to Su ran, few people like them had a child in pursuit of prosperity.

Unless you can't give birth, the more you give birth, the better.

It's a fine anyway.

For people like them, they earn a lot by exchanging money for their own flesh and blood. As long as they can give birth and pay how much money, the elders of the family are also happy.

So, in fact, he knew in his heart that his idea was selfish. He could only think about it secretly in his heart and could not tell anyone.

Guan Yue couldn't wait for his answer. She said tired: "Su Qi, I hope you can think about it. Your sister likes you very much. Look at Su Feiyang she wrote. What a good brother? In her mind, the role of brother is strong and warm. That's what she expects of you."

Su Qi sneered.

He hates Su Feiyang most!

Su Feiyang is Su Ran's moral kidnapping.

People who know his relationship with Su ran can't help comparing him with Su Feiyang.

Su ran hoped that he would spoil her like Su Feiyang.

He's not as great as Su Feiyang.

A sister who should not have been born into this world, why should he be good to her?

It's his parents' business to raise and spoil her. What does it have to do with him?

He still didn't speak, and Guan Yue was even more disappointed.

She also had no desire to speak, "forget it, let's talk about it when we meet."

She ended the call.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

People's hearts are the most difficult to ponder and change.

If a few words of persuasion could change her son's view of her daughter, today would not have happened.

The hospital where Su Qi and Xia Yan are located is not far from the place where Gu family camped.

After the call with his mother, Su Qi arranged Xia Yan and rushed to Gu's camp according to the location sent to him by his mother.

When he saw Su ran, Su ran was sitting on a small stool and watching Xie Jinfei coax Xiao Jiang and Xiao Xie thank you., the fastest update of the webnovel!