You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6703

"See for yourself!" Su Qi threw his cell phone into her arms. "A up master who went to the forest to broadcast live caught the whole process of your fall."

"You fell down by yourself. Ran Ran didn't touch you at all. She was kind enough to help you, but you pushed her back to the ground! What did you tell me?"

Xia Yan picked up her cell phone and looked at it for a few times. Her pale face was more pale because of injury, pain and blood loss.

"I'm sorry..." the evidence is conclusive. She can't argue. She can only cry and say: "I'm sorry, brother Qi, I'm just angry... It's clearly agreed that you accompany me to sketch in a place where there is no one. You only accompany me, but she has to follow me... It's agreed that you accompany me for a day. It's a birthday gift you gave me, but she destroyed it..."

She cried very wrongly, and tears flowed all over her face.

Su Qi was upset by her crying.

If there is no live video and no trouble on the Internet, he can accept Xia Yan's explanation.

He is also very upset with Su ran. He can understand Xia Yan's mood.

Su ran was so annoying that Xia Yan pushed Su ran down on impulse. It's understandable. It's not unforgivable.

But he can understand. What's the use?

Netizens can't understand!

The live video was everywhere. Netizens scolded him bloody and useless.

This is not the worst. The worst thing is that Wen Chang is making trouble to break his engagement!

Wen Chang is the only daughter of Wen's family and is very loved by his parents. If he can marry Wen Chang and combine the power of Wen's family and Su's family, the Su's family will be able to go to a higher level.

His father was very satisfied with Wen Chang and repeatedly ordered him to take Wen Chang down and let Wen Chang be Su's daughter-in-law.

But now, Wen Chang is breaking up with him!

The more he thought, the more angry he became, and he tore open a few buttons impatiently.

He took several deep breaths, trying to calm himself down and think about countermeasures.

After thinking about it, his father was right.

To untie the bell, you need to tie the bell.

If this matter wants to be solved satisfactorily, Su ran must come out.

Up is the main video shot. Because it is far away, there is only picture and no sound.

If Su ran claimed that she had said too much at that time, he and Xia Yan would leave without her, and the public opinion on the Internet might be reversed.

And most importantly, Wen Chang and Su ran have a very good relationship.

As long as Su ran helps him intercede, Wen Chang will forgive him.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the idea was feasible, so he quickly called Su ran.

The phone cannot be connected.

He cursed angrily, turned around irritably, thought of something and called his mother.

The mobile phone was connected. Before he could speak, Guan Yue scolded: "your mobile phone can finally be connected? Where's your sister? Ah? I asked you to take your sister out to relax. Where did you get people for me?"

As soon as Su Qi heard his mother's tone, he knew that his mother knew everything.

His mother has always been partial to Su ran. He is used to it. When he thinks about things on the Internet, he still needs his mother's help. He didn't quarrel with his mother and said in a low voice: "Mom, listen to me. I don't know that Ran Ran Ran was injured. If I knew that Ran Ran Ran was injured, I wouldn't leave her alone."

"Don't you know? You don't have eyes or a brain?" Guan Yueqi trembled: "you won't look back to see if your sister has followed up? The place you go is so remote that you leave your sister a young girl there. What if you encounter bad people?", the fastest update of the webnovel!