You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6695

Since Su Ran's brother likes Xia Yan, of course he will marry Xia Yan in the future.

As Su Ran's sister-in-law, she is the Su family. How can she move away?

Su ran was stunned and soon recovered. "My brother has a girlfriend. He is a daughter of a famous family. He is in charge of our family. He will be engaged soon."

Huo Zhongqi: "... Oh."

Brother Su Ran's girlfriend is a little miserable.

Snow carried Su ran to the shore, met with the young trees, and went back to the camp.

Qin Jun told Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei the whole process of their rescue of Su ran.

Su ran was shocked to see Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei.

This couple, like the couple in her novel, is a perfect couple, talented and beautiful, and a fairy couple.

The hostess was very gentle. When she was hurt, she immediately called the family doctor and asked the family doctor to examine and apply medicine to her.

Her ankle was badly hurt, and her ankle was swollen like steamed bread. The gentle hostess frowned at it.

She looked like she wanted to say something, but she didn't say it after all.

Su ran make complaints about the fact that the hostess should be trying to brother her brother, but he did not want to talk with her.

Brother make complaints about her brother.

In the past, I complained because I still had hope and wanted to pay sincerely. One day, like in a dream, I will be the best brother and sister in the world with my brother.

But today, she completely gave up.

Dreams are dreams after all.

She is her in the dream, but her brother is different from her in reality.

Her real brother is Su Qi, a cold and arrogant man.

The brother in the dream is the prototype of the male master of the demon hunter. She named him Su Feiyang.

In her dream, Su Feiyang is a free and easy person. He is wild and unruly. There is always a little evil smile at the corners of his mouth. He is always a little informal at ordinary times, but he is especially reliable at critical moments.

Most importantly, Su Feiyang is a sister.

In her dream, she is Su Feiyang's most important person. Their brother and sister depend on each other. Who dares to bully her? Even if she says a bad word about her, Su Feiyang will take revenge and try to revenge each other.

But in reality?

Su Qi is not good to her at all.

When Xia Yan didn't come to their house, her brother was just cold to her, but he was cold to everyone. She thought his character was like this. She didn't think there was any problem.

But since Xia Yan came to their house, he has changed.

He is very kind to Xia Yan, meticulous, gentle and considerate.

But she is still cold.

Occasionally, there will be a dispute between her and Xia Yan.

He always drinks and scolds her indiscriminately, protects Xia Yan and says nothing. Xia Yan is a guest. You should let Xia Yan.

She was wronged.

Which guest has lived in the host's house for five years and has no sign of leaving until now?

Which guest always looks like the host bullied her, endured humiliation, wanted to cry but didn't dare to cry?

Xia Yan lived in her house for five years, and she was disgusted by Xia Yan for five years.

The Su family is clearly her home, but since Xia Yan lived in, she can't feel the warmth of home.

Home should be a warm and relaxing place.

But her home, since Xia Yan, is like a battlefield. It's impossible to say why she will be scolded by her father or brother.

She has had enough and no longer looks forward to the future.

She always thought that as long as she worked hard, she would grind a deep iron pestle into a needle.

As long as she is always good to her brother, her brother will become Su Feiyang and love her as Su Feiyang loves Su Feixi., the fastest update of the webnovel!