You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6683

Gu Yan asked, "what about your mother?"

Lin Chengyou thought, "send her to the sanatorium and let the people in the sanatorium take care of her."

Gu Yan: "

Lin Chengyou glanced at him and added, "children can visit regular nursing homes."

Gu Yan smiled and didn't speak.

Lin Chengyou continued: "the police said she had mental problems. I think she just suddenly saw the dead and was frightened. I took her to the sanatorium and asked doctors and nurses to take care of her for a period of time. When she was well... She can choose the life she wants."

Gu Yan asked, "what if she wants to live with you?"

"The fate between us broke from the moment she sent me to the sanatorium," Lin Chengyou said. "She is still young. When she wants to understand, she can get married again and have children. I will look at her and won't let people bully her... I hope she can live and understand better next time..."

His ideas are more or less childish, but they are not mature enough for children of this age.

Gu Yan felt that it was not easy for him to think things so thoroughly at his age.

He is a good young man. He is worthy of the eyes of his young master!

He appreciated Lin Chengyou and asked, "do you want to change your last name?"

Lin Chengyou was stunned and soon recovered. "Like you, change your name to Gu?"

"Yes," Gu Yan said, "changing your surname is a way to show sincere obedience and loyalty. If you change your surname, it shows that you break with the past and devote yourself to taking care of your family. You will get some extra points in the assessment."

Lin Chengyou was surprised: "does the assessment not only depend on strength?"

Gu Yan smiled, "loyalty is more important than strength. Of course, strength is also very important, but people with the same strength who change their surname will be more easily reused than those who do not change their surname."

Those who insist on not changing their surname are those who still miss and persist in the past.

Family care will not be the only thing in their hearts.

The only purpose of Gu's training camp is to train loyal subordinates for Gu's family.

It's not beautiful if the subordinates who are trained conscientiously still have other people and things in their hearts.

Therefore, those who can enter the core position of the family are all surnamed Gu, without exception.

Others are not all eliminated, but are arranged into the company.

Some went to the head office, some went to the branch office, and none of them worked next to their young master.

He thought Lin Chengyou was a good seedling, so he explained patiently.

Lin Chengyou pondered for a moment. His experience from childhood to adulthood flashed through his mind: "I'd like to change my surname."

From small to large, the people who loved him and gave his family warmth were his grandfather and grandmother.

His grandfather's surname is Lu, and his surname is Lin.

Even if he didn't change his surname, he inherited the incense of the Lin family, which had nothing to do with his grandfather.

Why did he inherit the incense for the Lin family?

He doesn't want it.

Change your name?

If his grandfather is still alive, if his grandfather wants him to change his surname and inherit the incense of the Lu family, he will be obedient.

But his grandfather has died.

Even if he changed his surname, his grandfather couldn't see it.

On the contrary, Lu Wan knows that he has changed his name to Lu Chengyou. He may mistakenly think that he still has feelings for her and pester him.

It's not necessary at all.

Just change your name.

After that, we will completely break with the past ten years and be a thorough family care person.

As for his mother, for the sake of his grandparents, he will take care of her and prevent others from bullying her. When she gets old, he will bring her up and die, and there will be nothing else., the fastest update of the webnovel!