You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6681

"My son is mine, it has nothing to do with you!" Chen Yichuan said hard: "a mother who steals a man will disgrace him. My son's custody is mine, and the court will award it to me!"

"I, I don't divorce!" Yao Ning, with soft legs, knelt at the foot of Chen Yichuan: "Yichuan, I know I'm wrong. For the sake of our son, forgive me. This time, we'll start over. I swear, we'll be good to you in the future. He can't live without me. He needs his mother and a complete home!"

Chen Yize couldn't bear to hear it. He strode over and kicked her to the ground. "Get out! Don't say these false words in our house. If you really care about Chenchen, you won't play cheap outside. Chenchen signed quickly because of your shame and rolled out of the Chen house..."

Chen Yize stared at her fiercely, "I'll let you know what life is better than death!"

Yao Ning trembled with fear.

Chen Yize put the divorce agreement and pen into her hand, "sign!"

She looked to Chen Yichuan for help, her eyes full of humble begging.

Chen Yichuan didn't even look at her.

"Yichuan..." she pitifully called Chen Yichuan's name, hoping to arouse Chen Yichuan's compassion.

Chen Yize looked at her pretending to be poor. He was angry and kicked: "I want you to sign! Do you hear me? You sign for me!"

He kicked the parts where the pain would not leave obvious scars. Yao Ning screamed in pain.

Chen Yichuan stood aside without expression and said nothing.

Yao Ning was desperate.

She held her head and shouted, "I sign, I sign!"

Chen Yize spat at her and threw the pen in her face, "sign!"

Yao Ning cried and signed her name on the divorce agreement.

"Let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau!" Chen Yize dragged her out of the door.

An hour later, Chen Yize threw the divorce certificate on her face, pointed to her nose and warned her: "from today on, you are not allowed to see Chenchen again. If you dare to see Chenchen secretly, I will make you don't even know how to die!"

After that, he left with Chen Yichuan.

Yao Ning was aching all over and wanted to find a place to rest, but she found that she had nowhere to go.

The husband divorced.

My mother's family hated her very much.

Friends... She doesn't want her friends to see her so embarrassed.

She walked aimlessly for a long time and unknowingly came to Lin Hao's residence.

She didn't dare to go upstairs directly, took out her mobile phone and called Lin Hao: "director, I'm downstairs."

"How dare you come?" Lin Hao's face was fierce, like a ghost.

"Director, Chen Yichuan and I divorced..." Yao Ning cried on his mobile phone: "director, I want to see you..."

She never knew that divorce was such a simple thing. Before she reacted to anything, she became a divorced woman.

She doesn't have her mother's family or her mother-in-law's family now, only Lin Hao.

She came to this stage because of Lin Hao. Lin Hao can't ignore her.

Lin Hao heard her voice and her head was about to explode.

His life has become a mess.

Lin Chengyou doesn't recognize him.

Lu Wan was crazy and quarreled with him, saying that he would not die with him.

The leader of his unit called him and said that the impact of his affair with Yao Ning was too bad. He had to be suspended for inspection.

In one day, everything he had was destroyed.

Among them, the biggest blow to him is that Chen Yiping is not his son!, the fastest update of the webnovel!