You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 668

Chi Yu looks at his younger brother sideways. After looking at him carefully for a moment, he finds that his younger brother looks really bad.

It's been a long time since their sister was injured and their house is full of clouds.

He and his younger brother's heart is full of haze, unable to eat, sleep well, irritable, tired and weak. They attribute all these negative things to worrying too much about their younger sister and being in a bad mood. They all think it's normal.

But now Gu Junzhu and ye xingbeiyi remind him that his younger brother's look is not ordinary bad, but especially bad.

His face was pale, and now he was blue and black. Even his lips were pale as water. He was also very thin.

When he looked at it so carefully, he was worried.

His sister is like this now. He and his brother can't have any more accidents.

If he and his brother have another accident, what will their parents do?

So, he didn't refuse any more: "it will be hard for doctor Yue later."

"You're welcome," said Ye Xingbei with a gentle smile. "Ya'er is highly skilled in medicine and has a good personality. She is willing to help you. You don't have any psychological burden."

"Yes," Chi Yu nodded, "doctor Yue is very good."

Chi Zhan sees the discovery that Xiang Yue ya'er leaves. His eyes are straight. He doesn't know what he's thinking.

Chi Yu asked Gu Junzhu: "brother Wu, I'm in a mess now, and Chi Zhen is just like my brother. Xiaozhan and my parents love him very much. I really can't think of any way to test him. Does brother Wu have any good suggestions?"

Chi Zhen is different from his family.

He can be cruel to his family and has no scruples.

But for Chi Zhen, he is always afraid of wronging Chi Zhen and hurting him.

He has nothing to do with Chi Zhen.

"There are many ways, but it depends on whether you are willing to give up," Gu said. "The problem of Chi Zhen is still to be discussed after Yue ya'er has examined your body. If your body has been tampered, then I have more ways."

Chi Zhan frowned and said, "brother five, maybe you are wrong? Ah Zhen is very good to our family. He can't hurt us. "

Listen to Gu Jun by words inside and outside has given Chi Zhen conviction meaning, Chi Zhan is very dissatisfied.

Gu Jun chuckled and said, "I advise you to be prepared. I am always confident in my judgment."

Since he said it, he believed that Chi Zhen had something to do with Chi Qing's murder.

It's just evidence.

Chi Zhan persistent said: "I believe ah Zhen will not harm us, it must be five brothers wrong."

Chi Yu cold next face scolds: "small exhibition, how to talk with five elder brothers?"

"It's all right," Gu Jun chuckled, not thinking at all, "I also hope Chi Zhen is your good brother, I hope I'm wrong, you're right."

"But you still have to be psychologically prepared," Ye Xingbei said sympathetically, looking at the brothers. "So far, I haven't seen him miss it. I hope this time is an exception, but I don't think it's possible."

"I know," Chi Yu nodded: "I'm ready. After all, my parents, brothers and sisters and I are the real family. Although ah Zhen is also our family, he has no blood relationship with us. If he does anything to Qingqing and us, I won't be too surprised."

There are also many cases of brotherhood in rich families, and Chi Zhen is not their brotherhood.

People are unpredictable.

Many times, ordinary people can't even think about how bad people's hearts can be. , the fastest update of the webnovel!