You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6677

She immediately realized that Lin Hao was interested in her.

Later, Lang Qingyi kept in touch with Lin Hao.

They hide well.

Lin Hao doesn't want to divorce. Divorce may affect his future.

She doesn't want a divorce.

After she married her husband, her husband's eldest brother cooperated with her mother's factory.

Her mother's factory depends on her husband's eldest brother to survive. If she divorces her husband, her mother's factory will be finished again, and she can't leave anything behind.

Although Lin Hao looks better than her husband and is more generous than her husband, after all, he is a man with a wife and children. There is no future between them.

She likes the stimulation and money Lin Hao brings her, but she doesn't want to give up her stable family, considerate husband and the backer behind her husband.

At home, she is a gentle and considerate wife. In the unit, she coaxes Lin Hao to give her everything she wants.

Her body and spirit have all been satisfied. With Lin Hao's "strong support", her husband and Lin Hao's two men together provide for her. Finally, like several other girls in the unit, she can often change new clothes and bags.

As we all know, she has a rich uncle with good family conditions. No one doubts that her money came from unknown sources.

Her parents in law and husband thought her money was given to her by her parents. No one ever suspected that her money was given by other men.

Her spirit and body have been nourished. Over the years, her life has been very comfortable and happy.

Occasionally, she would worry about what to do in case of an accident.

But people die for money and birds die for food. Greed overcomes worry. She always comforts herself. No one will find out what she and Lin Hao do secretly.

But now

Lin Hao's wife found the unit and asked to see her by name. If she didn't have a ghost in her heart, she knew that it must have happened.

Her face was pale and her brain turned rapidly, desperately thinking about how she would resolve the crisis.

She found that when the matter was exposed, Lin Hao's wife came to her door. What she feared most was not Lin Hao's wife or bad reputation, but her husband's eldest brother.

Her husband is a cruel man and very protective of his shortcomings. He loves her husband very much.

It is said that her husband was actually very clever when he was a child. Once her uncle was naughty and went swimming in the river. His leg cramped and almost drowned.

The children swimming together were scared away, and only her husband jumped down to save him.

Her husband was in poor health since childhood. He didn't go into the water that day. In order to save his uncle, he jumped into the river.

Her husband saved her brother-in-law, but her husband himself had a high fever and pneumonia. He burned for several days and nights and almost died. After the fever subsided, his brain was not easy to use. The originally smart child became clumsy and stupid.

Her husband's eldest brother knew that his brother had become so in order to save him. He was very kind to her husband and hurt more than his own son.

If her husband's big brother knew, she would put a green hat on his brother

She couldn't help beating a soul.

Seeing her pale face, her good colleagues trembled and asked her with concern, "Ning Ning, are you okay?"

Although Yao Ning loves vanity, he is a very gentle person. He is also very good at being a man and has a good popularity in his unit.

Her husband loves her very much. Her son is smart and a primary school bully. In everyone's eyes, she is a particularly happy woman., the fastest update of the webnovel!