You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6637

"I don't mean that..." Zhao's mother blushed and said, "it's just cooking. It's not so serious..."

Tangsinian hehe, "yes, in your family, I just let my sister cook for your daughter. Your family doesn't think it's a problem, but in our family, we think it's a big problem. How to be in laws with different views? Zhao Guangsheng and my sister are not suitable. Divorce is the best result. Aunt, please come back."

"No, I don't mean that," said Zhao's mother hurriedly. "I don't think it's good for Jiajia to cook for lulu. I've realized my mistake and won't let Lulu bully her sister-in-law in the future..."

"It's late," said Tang Sinian coldly. "I'm not all sorry. It doesn't matter! My sister has been cold. She has lost her heart to your son. She has no feelings. Divorce is the only result. Aunt doesn't have to say any more."

Zhao's mother didn't give up: "Si Nian, you always want me to meet Jiajia. After all, I'm Jiajia's mother-in-law. What's the matter if you always block me and don't let me meet Jiajia?"

Downes is cold. "It's going to divorce. Where's the mother-in-law? You want to see Jiajia. I'll take Jiajia to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the divorce certificate tomorrow. You and your son will go together. At that time, you can see it."

Zhao's mother's face was ugly. "Si Nian, divorce is not a children's play. Jiajia and Guangsheng have always had a good relationship. Why do you have to be a villain with a stick?"

"It's not my brother's problem, but I don't want to see you." Tang Jiajia's voice suddenly sounded on the stairs.

"Jiajia," Zhao's mother looked at her with surprise and joy: "Jiajia, we already know that we are wrong. I've come to apologize to you! I've driven Lulu back to her mother-in-law's house. As long as you go back, I won't let Lulu come to the door again!"

Let's stabilize Tang Jiajia first. When she stabilizes Tang Jiajia and doesn't clamor to divorce her son, she will have a turn for the better.

The most important thing now is to stop Tang Jiajia from divorcing her son. Otherwise, the big house will fly and her son's future will be ruined!

"It's late," said Tang Jiajia, just like Tang Sinian. "Go back. I've made up my mind. It's my own decision after careful consideration. It has nothing to do with anyone."

"Jiajia, I'm serious!" Tang Jiajia stood still on the stairs, and Zhao's mother had to take a few steps forward: "Jiajia, we can correct our mistakes and do nothing good. We sincerely admit our mistakes to you and promise that we won't make such mistakes in the future. We will treat you well in the future and won't let you suffer any injustice! Jiajia, Guangsheng really likes you. If you want to divorce him, his whole soul is gone. He looks silly. I'm too worried about him."

"He is an adult. What he becomes is his own business, which has nothing to do with me." Tang Jiajia stood on the stairs and looked at her condescending: "I have decided to divorce him. In the future, whether he is good or bad, prosperous or embarrassed has nothing to do with me!"

"You..." Zhao's mother thought Tang Jiajia was so heartless that she opened her mouth to accuse, but she couldn't say a word when she thought of the current situation of their family.

"You go," Tang Jiajia said indifferently. "No one can change what I decide. It's no use talking more, but it's just a waste of words."

"Jiajia..." Zhao's mother couldn't accept the result. She wanted to persuade again. Tang Sinian made an invitation gesture to her., the fastest update of the webnovel!