You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6635

"Don't call me big brother anymore," Tang Sinian said slowly, putting away the divorce agreement. "In the future, we have nothing to do. You can call me lawyer Tang or president Tang."

Zhao Guangsheng opened his mouth and couldn't make a sound.

Tang Sinian stood up. "Remember to get the divorce certificate from the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow. Then you can see Jiajia."

Zhao Guangsheng left the Tang family in a daze and returned home dejected.

As soon as he entered the door, Zhao's mother couldn't wait to meet him: "how's it going? Has Jiajia forgiven you? When will she go home?"

After a while, Zhao Guangsheng lost his focus and fixed his eyes on Zhao's mother's face.

He murmured, "Mom, don't be paranoid... Jiajia is a girl with a soft exterior and a hard interior. She doesn't get angry easily, but if anyone annoys her, she will take revenge more than anyone..."

In fact, from the moment Tang Jiajia asked the people of the moving company to move all the things at home, he knew that Tang Jiajia was determined to divorce him and there would be no room for change.

She is such a person. Usually she looks soft and bullies, but as long as she makes up her mind, she won't look back.

"That's not what she said!" said Zhao's mother. "It's about taking revenge with outsiders and our own people. What can we do for revenge? We're a family!"

"A family?" Zhao Guangsheng sneered. "Just husband and wife. What kind of family is it? When they are like glue, they are closer than everyone, but now that they have decided to divorce and go their separate ways, they are strangers..."

"But you haven't left yet?" Zhao's mother was quick to spit fire, "you're so good to coax her..."

"Mom, don't say that again..." Zhao Guangsheng interrupted her: "I don't have anything worth Jiajia's nostalgia at all, do I? My work is average and my family is average. Only this face is good-looking, but can it be a meal? What's more, even if it's good-looking, is Jiajia good-looking?"

He shook his head with tears in his eyes: "At the beginning, I chased Jiajia without any advantage. I moved Jiajia with my patience and sincerity to Jiajia, but after I got married? I think Jiajia is my wife. If the fish is hooked, I don't need to bait anymore. I ignored her... I forgot that compared with Jiajia's suitors, I have only a little advantage to Jiajia..."

His sad smile and tears came out, "Mom, I deserve to be abandoned by Jiajia... I deserve today..."

"Guangsheng, don't do this!" Zhao's mother was frightened by his madness. "Don't say that. You are also excellent. You graduated from college, have a stable job, grow well, and have a good personality..."

"So what?" Zhao Guangsheng sneered, "Our family has no money, no house and no status. How many girls with good conditions are willing to marry? Jiajia's conditions can be counted in our whole school. When she marries me, I don't know how many people say that a flower is inserted in cow dung! With her conditions, she can find a better one after divorce. Why does she have to follow me?"

"But... But one day husband and wife have a hundred days of kindness..." Zhao's mother stammered, "you've been married to her for more than two years, so you don't have any feelings?"

"Feeling?" Zhao Guangsheng shook his head with a bitter smile. "Mom, feeling is the deposit in the bank. Take it, take it, and it's gone.", the fastest update of the webnovel!