You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6631

"Mom, there are nannies at home. How many times do you really cook?" Zhao Guangsheng said sadly: "moreover, you don't work, but where's Jiajia? Jiajia wants to work, and Zhao Chenlu also specifies to eat the meals made by Jiajia. The meals made by Zhao Chenlu are all made by Jiajia!"

Zhao's mother looked at Zhao Guangsheng with a cold heart.

Her son should have said that to her.

In the past, her son was the most filial to her!

But now

People say that having a son means marrying a wife and forgetting her mother.

Before, she was always glad that she had a filial son.

But it turned out that that sentence was true.

She cried, "Guangsheng, I'm your mother. For you, I don't even want my life..."

"But mom, you're Lulu's real mother," Zhao Guangsheng looked at her expressionless: "You think I'm doing well and Lulu's not doing well, so you drag me and mend lulu. But now? My wife is going to divorce me. When Jiajia and I divorce, the house will be sold. My child, wife and house will be gone. I only have hundreds of thousands of yuan to sell the house. What can I do? I've been ruined all my life!"

He looked decadent. "Mom, you said you loved me the most. Have you considered my future? If Jiajia divorced me, I would be a poor loser without money and house! After this year, I would be 30 years old, 30 years old, accomplish nothing and have no wife. How would I spend the rest of my life?"

He only caught up with Tang Jiajia when he graduated from college. They fell in love for three years and got married for two years. He was thirty years old.

He is not a smart man. He is more honest and down-to-earth. He has done a job that doesn't make much money but is fairly stable.

If he has been living well with Tang Jiajia, with a house at home and Tang Jiajia's family allowance, he and Tang Jiajia will spend half and save half of their wages, and they can live comfortably in the future.

Even, downesnian said that when they had children, they didn't have to raise them. He helped raise them. If a boy got married, had children and bought a house, he would take care of all his uncles.

Downes opened a gold medal law firm in Beijing with an annual income of at least tens of millions. He has that ability.

If he and Tang Jiajia really had children, there would be no pressure. If Tang Sinian leaked something from his fingers, he could help them raise their children for nothing.

Coupled with Downes's contacts, there will be no problem for their children to go to school, the best school district room and the best school.

If his children can be as smart as his uncle, they will certainly be able to enter a good university in the future and become successful people like his uncle. At that time, the Zhao family will change their family.

Marrying Tang Jiajia can be said to change his whole life.

But now, it's all ruined.

Without Tang Jiajia, he may be single all his life, or he may marry a wife who is not as good as Tang Jiajia everywhere, and then work hard to provide housing loans and support his family. He gets up earlier than a chicken, sleeps later than a dog, works conscientiously, and is pressed into a bald and bent middle-aged man by life early.

What's like now?

From time to time, he and Tang Jiajia go to see movies and go shopping, making money that doesn't even have half of the income of petty bourgeoisie, but they live a more nourishing life than petty bourgeoisie.

Thinking that after his divorce from Tang Jiajia, such days will leave him, leaving only daily necessities, flies and dogs, he is filled with despair., the fastest update of the webnovel!