You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6612

Gu Jun sighed: "maybe."

Looking at his forced appearance, Chu Dingbang had a toothache: "Brother five, you really don't know how lucky you are! You know what? Suisui is the only one left in suisui's family. Her grandfather discussed with me that if we have two sons in the future, he hopes our youngest son can be surnamed Xue and inherit the Xue family's industry and incense. Brother five, if suisui and I can have five sons like you in the future, what's one son surnamed Xue? I buy one for free, Two sons surnamed Xue are no problem! "

Shang Suihe: "

She can see that these rich and powerful young masters usually look elegant and dignified outside. They look like people from two worlds with ordinary people, but if they are with familiar people, they are no different from ordinary people.

Gu Jun smiled one by one. "My wife and two brothers, the incense of the Jiang family is inherited. Even if I have eight sons, I can all be surnamed Gu."

Chu Dingbang: "... Brother five, don't you think it's a good thing to have two sons, one to inherit the property of his father's family and the other to inherit the property of his mother's family, which can not only prevent siblings from falling into a wall, but also help each other?"

"I don't think so," Gu Junzhu said. "I just think my family's property is divided into eight times, which is more than that of you and your wife combined."

Chu Dingbang: "

His fifth brother is still his fifth brother. He doesn't know how to speak tactfully. He is still a wounded man. That's how it pierces his heart.

That's too much!

"I'm kidding you," Gu Junzhu said with a smile, "I can't have eight sons, so I don't have to divide my family property into eight, at most five or six. It's too hard to get pregnant and have children. After giving birth, I don't intend to let your sister-in-law regenerate."

Chu Dingbang: "

Just listening to the previous sentence "I'm kidding you", he thought their fifth brother wanted to comfort him.

After listening

He even expected their fifth brother to comfort him. He deserved that he was not as rich as their fifth brother.

How naive!

How can you make money so naive?!

After expressing his concern and sympathy, Gu Jun left one by one.

Shang Suihe sat down beside Chu Dingbang. "Seeing Gu Wuye, I suddenly thought of a TV play I had seen some time ago."

"Huh?" Chu Dingbang looked at her suspiciously.

Shang Suihe couldn't help laughing. "There was a very attractive man in that TV play. He was handsome and had excellent martial arts. Many people liked him, but he had a disadvantage: he loved people."

Chu Dingbang: "

Shang Suihe continued: "every time that character comes out, there is a lot of evaluation on the bullet screen - Ambassador Yang Zuo. Fortunately, you are handsome and have high martial arts. Otherwise, you would have been killed!"

Chu Dingbang: "

I feel that their fifth brother has been connoted!

He thought for a while and said with a smile, "don't say it yet. Our fifth brother is really a bit like the person you said!"

In fact, their fifth brother doesn't speak very much, but as long as he speaks, he is very sharp.

If you weren't handsome and capable, you wouldn't be killed, but at least you wouldn't be so good.

"But he's a good man," said Shang Suihe seriously. "You're hurt. He sent his men to help you deal with my affairs. Only at the turn of his life will he meddle in this kind of 'business'."

"Of course," Chu Dingbang said proudly, "why else is he our boss? The boss must have the style of the boss, right? Our fifth brother is absolutely good. There's nothing to say. Our brothers are convinced of him!", the fastest update of the webnovel!