You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 657

Two or three minutes later, the light came back on.

Gu Junzhu did not speak, ye Xingbei did not speak.

Small sapling embraces Gu Junzhu's neck, also clever, a little voice didn't come out.

A few minutes later, the light went out again.

Ye Xingbei felt like he was beating a drum.

What the hell is this?

When the light came on again, Gu Junzhu finally said, "it's OK."

Holding the young tree in his arms, he opened the door of the compartment and went outside.

Outside the room, wearing Gu Junzhu's clothes and lying on the table, Gu Chi stood up and saluted them: "young master, young lady."

Ye Xingbei looked at Gu Junzhu and Gu Chi. He asked, "what are you doing?"

"Do what you want!" Gu Jun chuckles and walks out with the sapling in his arms: "let's go. I'll take you to a good play."

"Yes, yes!" The young tree shoots her hands in her excited eyes.

Ye Xingbei follows them in a daze and gets on the bus to leave.

The car sped along.

Ye Xingbei looked at the road in front of him and said: "we have been here Is this the way to Ye Weikang's suburban villa? "

"Well," Gu Junzhu said, "the occupancy rate here is very low and the population is sparse. It's the best place to do bad things."

Ye Xingbei asked, "what happened when there was a power failure?"

Gu Junzhu deliberately showed an unpredictable smile, "you guess."

Ye Xing twisted him in the north and said, "I can guess. I still need to ask you."

Gu Jun pinched her face. "Honey, now we are willing to admit that there is a huge gap between our IQ?"

Ye Xingbei snorted, haughtily raised his chin, "I'm a normal person, so I can't compare with your heart!"

The sapling didn't understand and blinked: "Mom, what's a briquette heart?"

Ye Xingbei: "this..."

Why don't you speak ill of your father in front of your son?

It is easy to destroy the image of integrity and dignity of a father in the eyes of his son.

Seeing that ye Xingbei didn't speak for a long time, xiaoshumiao looked at Lingyue for help: "brother Xiaoyue?"

Ling Yue pursed her lips, took out her mobile phone, and found a picture of honeycomb briquette: "little tree, you see, the coal briquette is like this. It's dark and has many eyes."

The little sapling stares at the picture on the mobile phone for a while, suddenly realizes, and slaps: "I know! Mom said that Dad's heart is as black and black as honeycomb briquette

“……” Ye Xingbei covers his face.

Gu Jun coughed and was about to say something to save his image in his son's mind when a car overtook them from behind and fell down the window.

Ye Xing North Yi a, also press down the window, "star elder brother?"

"Hi, Beibei," Yu Xingchen said with a smile to Ye Xingbei, "let's meet again."

"Uncle star!" The sapling pokes out his cerebellar pouch and greets Yu Xingchen excitedly.

Yu Xingchen smiles more brightly: "sapling, long time no see, baby!"

"Long time no see, uncle star!" In the middle of the night, Leng buting meets an acquaintance on the road. The young tree is very excited and gives Yu Xingchen a kiss.

Yu Xingchen was very happy: "Oh, my dear, what does your mother give you every day? How come you are so much more lovely than before , the fastest update of the webnovel!