You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 655

Gu Jun put the cup on his lips and took a sip. Seeing ye Xing's burning eyes, he bent his lips and said, "would you like a cup?"

Ye Xingbei nods.

Gu Junzhu poured a cup for her and handed it to her hand, "be careful with the hot."

Ye Xingbei took it carefully and took a sip. There was a faint fragrance in his mouth, which was totally different from the bitterness of coffee and the sweetness of juice.

Gu Junzhu took another sip, put down the cup, looked at Ye Xingbei and asked with a smile, "do you know what is the biggest advantage of tea for you?"

Ye Xingbei asked with interest: "what?"

"You can drink a lot," Gu Jun chuckles. "No matter who likes coffee or juice, you can't drink juice instead of water with coffee. Otherwise, it's not far away from death. But tea can, if you like, drink only tea without water every day."

Ye Xingbei It seems reasonable. "

"That is," Gu five Ye leisurely smile, "what I say, when has no reason?"

Ye Xing turned north and snorted, "narcissism!"

Gu Jun flicked her forehead: "Ye Xiaobei, you didn't learn Chinese well, it's clearly called self-confidence!"

Ye Xingbei glanced at him and saw that the tea was really delicious. He said, "OK, OK, our fifth master is right. It's called self-confidence. It's good for Xiaoshu to learn from you and be more confident."

Gu Wu Ye looked at the direction of Xiao Shumiao and Ling Yue's playfulness, and his lips turned up: "that's right."

Ye Xingbei


After playing outside for a long time, ye Xingbei had a picnic in Yanming Valley at noon. After dinner, ye Xingbei took several people to a famous hotel near Yanming valley.

A few people sat in the reserved room, and the hotel served the food quickly.

In the middle of the meal, soup was served.

The waiter filled everyone a bowl of wine and returned it.

This is what ye Xingbei asked for.

They are not used to having outsiders in the house when they eat.

Gu Jun scooped a spoonful of soup one by one and handed it to his mouth. When the soup touched his lips and tasted a little, he thought it was wrong. He put down the soup and glanced at Ye Xingbei, Xiao Shumiao and Xiao Yue: "you haven't had the soup, have you?"

"No," the little sapling said, "Dad, don't drink either! Now that we have soup, we can't eat any delicious food. We have to have enough food first, and then we have to drink soup and fill in the gaps! "

Ye Xing saw Gu Junzhu in the north, and her eyes were so sharp that she could not make complaints about her baby son. He asked him, "what's wrong?"

"Don't drink the soup because it's loaded." Gu Jun takes out his mobile phone and lets Gu Chi come in.

The sapling's eyes flashed: "what's going on?"

Ling Yue frowned and took away the soup in front of the sapling. "It's poison and other bad things."

"Wow, poison!" The sapling was startled, and his eyes were round: "does anyone want to kill us?"

"It's OK," Ling Yue grabbed sapling's hand. "Master is very powerful. No one can harm us."

He looked at Gu Junzhu with admiration and admiration.

Master is really very powerful.

Just a touch of the lip, you know the soup was under something.

He wants to learn from his master and be as powerful as his master when he grows up.

"Did you drink?" Ye Xingbei grasped Gu Junzhu's arm and his heart thumped: "what's next? Does it matter? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!