You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 653

She had no idea that when she was a child watching journey to the west, Tang Monk always said to sun Dasheng with a straight face: Wukong, don't talk nonsense.

Later, as long as there was a slight abnormality, the Tang Monk would panic and ask sun Dasheng: Wukong, where is this evil?

This is the most typical quasi change from mistrust to trust.

Bah bah, what is she thinking?

She doesn't want to be a Tang monk. She wants to make Mr. Gu Bajie a pig!

She rushed to Gu Junzhu's back and put her arms around Gu Junzhu's neck

Gu Junzhu What's the matter? "

Ye Xingbei snorted: "I want you to be a pig!"

Zhu Bajie carries his daughter-in-law!

Hum hum!

“……” Gu Jun looked serious one by one: "I found that we have to leave this terrible place as soon as possible. Your psychological endurance is too poor. People have been locked up for more than three years before they go crazy. You go crazy even if you don't have 30 minutes."

“……” Ye Xingbei slapped him on the back: "you go away!"

Gu Jun grabs her leg and carries her out. "If I go away, you'll fall like Gan Xintong and chew mud."

Behind them, Gan Xintong screamed: "you don't go, let me out, let me out, you hurt me, you have to be responsible for me, I want money, I want a lot of money, Gu Junzhu, I'm the same as ye Xingbei, you sleep me, you sleep me, give me money, I'm free to sleep, I'll have a lot of tricks..."

Gu Jun leaves with Ye Xing on his back, leaving Gan Xintong's crazy cry behind.

Ye Xingbei hugged Gu Junzhu's neck and asked: "do you think she is really crazy or fake crazy? Sometimes it seems that she is really crazy, but sometimes it seems that she is pretending to be crazy. "

"She does have some mental problems, but it's not serious," Gu Junzhu said with a smile. "What's good for her, she is more organized than anyone else. What's not good for her, she's crazy. This shows that her mental problems are not serious. If she wants to control them, she can control them, but the problem is that she doesn't want to control them, and she wants to rely on them for her benefit."

Ye Xingbei nodded: "I think so So what now? You can't lock her up for the rest of her life. "

"We have no obligation to support her for a lifetime," Gu Junzhu said. "First, check the person who instigated her to come to us. No matter we find her or can't find her, we will give her back to Yu Xingchen. He sent her the person, and then we will give her back to Zhao."

Ye Xingbei I guess the star elder brother is depended on by her, don't know how to deal with her, just send her to our home

Then Mr. Gu would send them back intact.

Tut tut!

Gu Jun by hook lips: "difficult to find the police, right?"

Ye Xingbei Yes, Mr. Gu is always right! "

But brother star will be out of luck.

Gan Xintong is a hateful and hateful person, but she is not a bad person.

The transaction between her and ye Weikang is not against any law.

Besides, she's a victim.

Therefore, ye Weikang was arrested, waiting for sentence. She was not even detained, and was released on the same day.

But she said, she is an orphan, no family, no relatives, ye Weikang was locked up for three years, it is estimated that even the school status is gone.

Thinking of the student status, she suddenly thought of a question: "yeweikang closed her for three years, her school did not look for her?"

"Oh," Gu Junzhu said, "after she and ye Weikang got together, she thought that she had caught a golden turtle son-in-law, and plastic surgery took too much time. She hung up several classes, and she dropped out of school."

Ye Xingbei

All right.

Orphans, no family, no family, no school, no one to look for when they die. Who does Ye Weikang care about? , the fastest update of the webnovel!