You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 65

Even if she later recognized her two biological brothers, ye Xinglan, who took care of her for five years and protected her safe growth, was also her most important relative.

Even if it's my brother, it's behind ye Xinglan and ye Xingli.

Calmed a mood, leaf Star North just suddenly thought of, she forgot and big brother said she spare chocolate was replaced.

Forget it.

She didn't have the courage to call her brother again.

Anyway, big brother is coming to Jiangcheng.

When elder brother comes to Jiangcheng, say it face to face.

As for her second brother, I don't know where he went.

It's not as reliable as her little tree. It's better not to talk to him about this kind of thing.

Ye Xingbei sighed, drank a few water, calmed her mood, and started her busy day.

She has just started the work of Xinggong. At the end of the day, she is very busy.

It's more than three in the afternoon. It's finally over.

She had been running outside all day and her feet hurt badly.

Look at the time. In more than an hour, it's time to pick up my son from school.

She plans to go back to the office, drink some water, rest for half an hour, and then pick up her son.

Push open the door of the office, a big man sitting on the sofa immediately stood up, looked at her excitedly and bowed to her deeply.

"Snow? Here you are Seeing the man bowing to her, ye Xingbei, who was tired between his eyes and eyebrows, got excited and ran quickly. He helped up the man who saluted to her and bent his eyes with a smile: "snow, have you finished the formalities?"

This big man, named ye xuenuo, is her elder brother ye Xinglan's personal guard.

Her elder brother's mother is a member of the royal family of Z country.

State Z is a slave state.

Snow is a slave of the Ye family and has excellent skills.

After she went to Z country with her elder brother, he gave snow to her as her bodyguard.

Snow was saved by big brother in the Colosseum.

When big brother saved snow snow, snow was only 12 years old.

Listen to the second brother said that that day, all the slaves who fought with wild animals, only snow lived to the end.

The elder brother thinks snow is a wizard of martial arts, so he bought snow.

Snow is not only skilled, can be a hundred, but also very handsome.

He is tall and straight, with sword eyebrows and stars. His facial features are as sharp as a knife and axe.

Only one thing, snow's original owner is a sadist, because of a small matter, cut snow less half tongue.

Snow can speak, but his words are vague. Only those who are familiar with him can understand what he says.

Because of this, snow seldom talks in front of outsiders.

Even in front of her, I don't like to talk.

Ye Xingbei doesn't mind this at all.

She likes snow.

Snow honest, honest and kind, careful and considerate, and a good cook.

In her mind, snow is almost a perfect man.

It's a pity that such a good man was brainwashed by his original master, and she was servile. She had told him many times that she was not from Z country, not a slave owner.

She's just his employer. They're subordinates.

It can even be a relationship of friends or relatives.

But snow didn't listen and always looked like a slave.

This is a headache for ye Xingbei.

She took Snow's arm and said with a smile, "snow, didn't I tell you? In our country, those who don't like the etiquette of Z country don't have to be so troublesome in the future. Just say hello when you see me! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!