You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6458

As long as Changfang has no son, he will win without fighting!

So, when his sister-in-law was pregnant with her second child and it was determined that it was a male fetus, his wife bought a cousin of her mother's family, found a chance for no one around, and knocked his sister-in-law, who was nearly six months pregnant, to the ground.

The child had no accidental miscarriage, and at that time, he and Lu Huiya's second son were born!

As long as his son grows up safely, the long house has no son. The inheritance right of the Xi family must be his!

After losing two children, his sister-in-law was in poor health. After a few years, she was pregnant again.

With this baby, his sister-in-law's parents were very nervous. They took his sister-in-law back to her mother's house to raise the baby. It was not easy for them to start. Later, they heard that the color Doppler ultrasound examination showed that his sister-in-law was pregnant with a girl, so they didn't start with his sister-in-law's third child.

It's just a girl. Even if his father is old and confused, he won't give the Xi family to a girl. Even if his sister-in-law gives birth to the child safely, it doesn't threaten him.

So, in October, his sister-in-law gave birth to Xi Qingyao, the eldest daughter of the long house.

After giving birth to Xi Qingyao, his sister-in-law became weaker and had not been pregnant for many years. After a long time, she was pregnant with her fourth child.

This time, his sister-in-law's mother's family still took his sister-in-law back to her mother's home to raise the baby.

When he learned that his sister-in-law's fourth child was a boy, he was very upset. He originally wanted to get rid of the child. He didn't know that his sister-in-law's mother was a very meticulous person. He was worried that his daughter was an elderly pregnant woman and had miscarriage twice, which would be dangerous. He not only kept his daughter, but also allowed his sister-in-law to go out.

And he must find the best time to start, or if he is detected to start on his sister-in-law's children, all his previous efforts will be wasted.

His sister-in-law hid in his mother's house. His people couldn't fit in. He couldn't find a chance. Before he came up with a way to get rid of the child, the child was born prematurely.

The child was born safely and was really a boy!

He was very upset, but his wife and his mother comforted him that although there was a man in the big room, the child was too young, premature and weak. It was not certain whether he could grow up safely.

And he already has three sons and a daughter.

When Da Fang's son was born, his eldest son was married!

His wife and his mother said that there was so much age difference between Da Fang's son and the man in their second room, and Da Fang's son was weak and ill and might die young. As long as Xi was not old and confused, he would give the inheritance right to them.

They told him not to think much and behave well in front of the old man.

So he worked hard and performed hard in front of his father.

Gradually, he found that his father really had the intention of training his son to pass over him and his eldest brother and hand over the inheritance to his son.

He was ecstatic.

The Xi family's inheritance right has been in his son's hands, isn't it the same as in his hands?

As long as his eldest son gets the inheritance right of the Xi family, their second house will become the direct vein of the Xi family, and the long house will become a collateral branch.

The fate of their two families will change dramatically!

Everything is developing in a good direction. Seeing that his eldest son is more and more reused by the old man, he can master all his contacts and control the company in a few years. An accident happened.

Xi Qingyao gets the green eye of the Song family. Song Jinglan wants to marry Xi Qingyao as his wife., the fastest update of the webnovel!