You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6444

The policeman's eyes were sharp and his voice became colder and fiercer: "Xi ninglan wanted to poison Xi Qingyao, so he found you and gave you money and jewelry. He asked you to dilute the venom of Rhus chinensis in water and soak Xi Qingyao's pillowcase with the diluted Rhus chinensis venom, resulting in Xi Qingyao's poisoning and facial skin ulceration..."

"No... no, I didn't..." Yang Xuefang shook her head with a pale face. "What I said is true! Because I saved the eldest lady's life, the eldest lady gave me money and jewelry to repay me. I'm too timid to kill chickens. How dare I harm people?"

"Do you think you'll be all right if you bite to death and don't admit it?" the leading policeman looked at her coldly and said: "Have you heard a word? If you do, you will leave a trace! Where did Rhus chinensis come from? It won't fall from the sky out of thin air! Now, my colleagues have gone to investigate the source of Rhus chinensis. Once you find the source of Rhus chinensis, you can find the person who bought Rhus chinensis. If you touch melons with rattan, you can catch the culprit!"

Policewoman Xue Zhuning grabbed Yang Xuefang's arm and said softly, "elder sister Yang, you should think well. Now you are frank and lenient, and I can fight for a lighter punishment for you. If our colleagues find out the source of yanfumu and find the culprit first, you will have no chance to commit a crime and make contributions!"

A male police officer said, "Yang Xuefang, think about it, but do you have any cases like this that you have heard of that can't be solved? For our police, it's only a matter of time to solve such cases. My colleague is right. You can take the initiative to explain now, and you can commit crimes and meritorious deeds and strive for commutation. If we find out, you won't have a chance to reduce your sentence."

Yang Xuefang is the most ordinary woman. Before, let alone being questioned by the police, she hasn't even contacted the real police.

She only saw the police on TV.

When she watched it on TV, she didn't feel much, but when she was in close contact with the police and questioned by several police who were very angry at first sight, her psychological defense soon collapsed.

"I said! I said!" she cried and asked Xue Zhuning, "will you really plead for me?"

"Sister Xuefang, don't talk nonsense!" Xi ninglan rushed to her and grabbed her arm: "sister Xuefang, we are not afraid of the shadow. Don't listen to them threatening you. You must not admit what you haven't done. If you admit it, you will go to jail!"

Yang Xuefang gave a fierce beating and hesitated.


Admit it, she's going to jail.

If you don't admit it, work hard. If you're lucky, the police can't find out, she can be safe.

"In fact, there is another way," Yue ya'er, who was standing and watching the excitement, suddenly said: "after the rhus chinensis comes into direct contact with the skin, it can lead to skin ulceration. The smell emitted when the rhus chinensis is diluted by water can also cause poisoning..."

She looked at Yang Xuefang with great interest: "when she soaked the pillowcase, she must be wearing rubber gloves, so her skin was fine, but when she diluted salt wood, as long as she didn't wear a mask and inhaled the gas emitted when diluting salt wood, over time, she would also be poisoned, because the poisoning was shallow and the symptoms were not obvious, but..."

She hooked her lips and asked Yang Xuefang, "have you had insomnia, dreaminess, trance and easy to panic recently?"

Yang Xuefang looked at her with a pale face and trembled all over., the fastest update of the webnovel!