You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6441

Yue ya'er is right. The person who laid hands on her daughter can naturally lay hands on her.

If Er Fang has been deliberately trying to seize the inheritance right of Da Fang, it is not impossible to start with her children.

In those years, the two children she lost were both boys!

She shuddered at the thought.

If... If her two abandoned children were killed by others, she must avenge them!

Although they didn't have a chance to be born, they also gave birth to a small life in her abdomen for several months. She still remembers how painful she was when she lost them.

Thinking of that taste, her eyes turned red and tears swirled in her eyes.

She grabbed Xi's father's arm, clenched her teeth and said, "if all this is the hands and feet of Xi Heng's family, I will never let them go!"

"No, no!" Xi Fu shook his head again and again: "ah Heng and I are close brothers, we are a family..."

Yue ya'er said carelessly, "Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin are also a family."

Xi Fu: "

Their family has no throne!

But... For many people, family inheritance may be the throne.

He knows his brother's character. He is really strong and likes to be competitive.

He refused to admit it, but in fact, grass grew in his heart... Has his brother really been planning their family?

Even, his calculations began more than 20 years ago

This is terrible.

He dare not think much.

As long as he thinks about it, his back gets cold. If his brother did these things, how cruel should his brother's heart be?

"Doctor Yue, what should we do now?" Xi's mother didn't expect Xi's father anymore. She asked Yue ya'er directly.

"Call the police," Yue ya'er said naturally. "If you are in trouble, of course you should find the people's police! No matter who poisoned your daughter, as long as you have done it, you will leave traces. The police will intervene in the investigation and soon find out the person who murdered your daughter."

"Yes, call the police, I'll call the police right away!" Xi's mother took out her mobile phone and dialed the alarm number.

Her hands were shaking when she dialed the number.

Although, after giving birth to a daughter and son one after another, the pain of abortion seems to have been forgotten, but now it is suddenly raised, but you can still recall the kind of pain that tore your heart and lungs.

Especially when she thought that the two exiled children might not have been an accident, but had been hurt by others, she felt almost unbearable.

Two little lives are innocent!

A child has been in her belly for more than three months, and a child has been in her belly for nearly six months. He will move, but suddenly left her.

The feeling that life was stripped from her body made her shudder in retrospect.

If those two children were really killed, she must find out the murderer and avenge them!

Hearing the sound of Xi's mother calling the police, Xi's father subconsciously wanted to stop it.

Don't make a fool of yourself. If his brother did it



His brother certainly didn't do it!

He comforted himself and gave up stopping Xi's mother.

His brother certainly didn't do it, so it's not a family scandal. It doesn't matter to call the police

The police accepted the report and went to Xi's house to collect evidence.

The party left Nie Xiaoxiao's laboratory and returned to Xi's house.

After asking what happened, the police also thought that the Xi Heng family was suspected of committing a major crime. The soldiers were divided into two ways, one to investigate the action track of the Xi Heng family, and the other to bring the Xi Heng family directly for questioning.

The three villas of Xi's family are next to each other. Xi's residence is located between Xi's father's and Xi Heng's. several police cars are parked in front of Xi's father's villa. Police officers keep coming in and out of the villa. Xi soon heard the news and came to check it with concern., the fastest update of the webnovel!