You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6439

"Yao Yao and song Jinglan are married?" Xin Sydney looked at Xi Qingyao in surprise. "Yao Yao, don't you like song Jinglan? Are you together because your family wants to marry the Song family?"

As Xi Qingyao's best friend, she met Xi Qingyao's boyfriend song Jinglan, a very good man who was gentle and patient with Xi Qingyao and looked like a thousand miles away from outsiders.

Women's favorite should be the men like song Jinglan. They are good to themselves and don't understand the amorous feelings of other women, which can give women a sense of security.

She always thought Xi Qingyao really liked song Jinglan. Unexpectedly, they were married!

"No, Sydney, it's not like that!" Xi Qingyao quickly explained, "Jing Lan and I first liked each other, and then his parents came to Xi's house to propose marriage. Because our family has always cooperated with the Song family, Grandpa thought the Song family was going to marry us."

"It's good for our two families to become in laws with the Song family. My grandfather happily agreed. The news of our marriage came out."

"Yes, that's it!" Xi's mother nodded: "In fact, song Jinglan liked Yao Yao, so the Song family decided to marry the Xi family, but Xi ninglan's parents thought that since the Xi family wanted to marry the Song family, they should marry an older girl first, that is, Xi ninglan, Yao Yao's cousin. Even Yao Yao's grandfather thought Xi ninglan's parents were reasonable, so they mentioned to the Song family that they wanted to marry the eldest granddaughter first and consider the youngest granddaughter later A woman's marriage. "

"But the Song family clearly told Yaoyao's grandfather that song Jinglan likes us Yaoyao, and the daughter-in-law of the Song family is also our Yaoyao. They won't change people in the Song family?"

"Yao Yao and Xi ninglan are both the granddaughters of the old man. Everyone is married. Since the Song family refused to change people, the old man decided to let Yao Yao marry to the Song family."

"I see," said Sydney "In other words, the Song family decided to marry the Xi family because song Jinglan liked Yao Yao. However, Yao Yao's cousin thought that since the Xi family married the Song family, the older girl should marry first, and the person who married song Jinglan should be her. But the Song family only wanted to marry Yao Yao, so she held a grudge and attacked Yao Yao. They even thought that as long as Yao Yao ruined her face, they would marry People will change from Yao Yao to Xi ninglan, and Xi ninglan can marry song Jinglan! "

Xi's mother said, "I guess so. I don't know if it's right."

"Shouldn't it?" Xi Fu said: "everyone is a family..."

"Don't be silly!" Xi mother beat him angrily: "don't forget that although Xi Heng is your brother, you are also competitors!"

"Xi Heng?" Xin Sydney asked, "Yaoyao's uncle?"

"Yes," Xi's mother nodded, "the situation of our family is different from that of others. In others' family, the right of inheritance is a big house, which is a sure thing, but our family..."

There was a look of pain on her face, "After I married Yao Yao's father, I conceived two children and miscarried successively, so that two sons and one daughter in Erfang were older than Yao Yao. When I gave birth to Yaoyao's brother, I was in my forties. Now, Erfang's eldest son has married and had children, and my son is only nine years old. Therefore, the master has been hesitant whether to hand over the inheritance right to our eldest brother or directly to Erfang's eldest son Son. ", the fastest update of the webnovel!