You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 643

Ye Xingbei took back his finger and looked at him angrily, "your hobby is not old people at all!"

"Finger biting? Or a hobby in bed? " "If it's a hobby in bed, it must not be an old man. It's an insult to a man," Mr. Gu said

Ye Xingbei red face beat him: "go away, go away, clearly very serious question, why can you always pull to bed, too much!"

Gu Jun chuxiao, holding her hand, bowed his head to kiss on the back of her hand, and sighed softly: "you say, do we still want to thank ye Xinglan, at least he didn't let you suffer like Chi Qing."

"Looking at Chi Zhan's reaction today, if we let the situation of that day try again on Chi Qing, maybe before Chi Qing recovers, Chi Zhan's mood will collapse, and he will turn black and become a big demon with distorted Psychology..."

He pause, thinking, said: "if it is determined that Chi Qing must be treated like that, we must not let Chi Zhan watch."

"Yes," Ye Xingbei nodded with approval, "that's too cruel! I hope they can find the Shimu bridge. If it works, Qingqing won't have to suffer again. "

Gu Junzhu shook his head, "I don't hold too much hope."

Ye Xingbei asked, "why?"

"I'm more inclined to be killed at shimuqiao," Gu Junzhu said. "If my guess is right, Chi Zhen is the one who planned the whole thing. With Chi Zhen's ruthlessness, how can he keep a witness who can testify against him? He will certainly try to shut down the bridge. "

"In addition, the Chi family is one of the most famous families in Y country. They have gathered the strength of the whole family to find a division screen bridge. For such a long time, there have been no dead or alive, which only shows that there are ghosts in their family."

"Because there is an internal ghost, the internal ghost knows his family's actions well and can avoid them ahead of time, so the Chi family has been looking for so long, and they haven't even found the shadow of a division screen bridge."

Ye Xingbei asked: "do you suspect that the ghost is Chi Zhen?"

Gu Jun nodded: "yes."

Ye Xingbei frowned, "because Chi Zhen and Shi Xiying had a conflict?"

"Not only that," Gu Junzhu said, "I asked the bodyguard of Chi's family about the relationship between Chi Zhen and Chi Qing. Chi's family said that it used to be very good, but in recent months, Chi Qing has always been hiding from Chi Zhen. Seeing Chi Zhen, she looks nervous."

Ye xingbeisi cableway: "what does that mean? Is Chi Qing afraid of Chi Zhen? What did Chi Zhen do to Chi Qing? They are cousins. What can they do to cousins? "

Gu Jun chuckles, "they are only cousins in name. Chi Yu's second aunt is in poor health and has no fertility. Chi Yu's second uncle takes care of Chi Zhen. However, he takes care of Chi Zhen a few years later, and his wife dies of illness. He is a researcher. After his wife's death, he is so sad that he simply moves to the Research Institute and uses his work to alleviate the injury. Chi Zhen gives it to Chi Yu's family "Yes."

Ye Xingbei thought, "so you suspect Chi Zhen has a love for Qingqing? If Qingqing refuses him, will she be afraid of him? "

Gu Jun nodded one by one.

"But isn't that unreasonable?" Ye Xingbei couldn't figure it out: "if you guess it's true, how can he be willing to let the girl he likes be cheated by shimuqiao and make people feel better? It's not logical. "

"Silly girl!" Gu Jun shook his head, pinched the tip of her nose and sighed: "do you want to talk about logic and rationality with a change state? If the mind of changing state can be the same as that of normal people, can it still be called changing state? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!