You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 639

Chi Qing's eyes are level with Shi Xiying, but her eyes seem to pass through Shi Xiying's body and fall into the unknown distance.

There was still no expression on her pale face.

Thinking of what would happen later if Shi Xiying couldn't stimulate her to wake up, Chi Zhan couldn't control her excitement any more and knelt down to Chi Qing's side.

He held Chi Qing's arm, his fingers trembled, his voice choked: "Qingqing, please wake up quickly, wake up and tell the second brother and the eldest brother how the beast bullied you! You can rest assured that no matter what grievances you have suffered, the elder brother and the second brother will avenge you. No matter what happened before, Qingqing is not afraid. With the elder brother and the second brother, no one will bully Qingqing any more. "

Chi Qing still didn't respond at all.

Yue ya'er sighed silently again and looked back at Gu Junzhu: "five ye, please throw a person over."

Gu Jun nodded his head one by one and gave a sign to Gu Chi.

Immediately, two bodyguards catch a man who is too strong and sharp for Chi Qing and throw him at Chi Qing's feet.

Yue ya'er said to Gu's family and bodyguard, "untie him and let him invade Shi Xiying."

This is still a bad strategy, the success rate is not big, but she can't help but want to have a try.

The bodyguard unties the rope on the man and kicks him down on Chi Qing: "did you hear doctor Yue?"

The man was tortured by Chi's family for a long time. He was so scared that he didn't hesitate. He pressed on Shi Xiying and tore Shi Xiying's clothes.

Shi Xiying struggled desperately and cried in despair: "don't I was wrong! I regret, I am willing to apologize to Chi Qing, I am willing to repent, willing to compensate, forgive me, no! No

Shi Xiying's struggling figure, seen in Chi Zhan's eyes, automatically turns into his sister's desperate struggle when she was forced to explode.

He looked at his sister, who was numb and didn't respond at all. He was bleeding with heartache.

How sad would my sister be if she remembered the past?

At this moment, he had an impulse to flinch.

He wanted to take his sister home and died.

He can support his sister for life.

Such a sister, at least, is calm, do not know the pain.

But think about the father who is sick in bed because of his silly sister and the mother who tears all day. He closes his eyes and tilts his head to one side. He can't bear to look again.

Shi Xiying's coat was torn off, and the man fell on Shi Xiying's body, kissing and touching.

Shi Xiying cried for a broken voice: "please forgive me! Give me a break! Shimuqiao encouraged me! What I don't want is that he said that he could revenge Chi Qing for me. He thought out all the plans, and he proposed to me that he could cheat Chi Qing. It's all his fault. Go and catch him, please, let me go! "

Chi Yu's eyes are scarlet. She steps forward and kicks the man who is lying on Chi Qing. She grabs Shi Xiying's hair and forces her to look up at him: "you say, everything is the master of Shi Muqiao?"

"It's him, it's all him!" Shi Xiying cried and nodded: "all the ideas he came up with, all the things he did, I just cooperated. I'm an accomplice, and the main culprit is Shi Muqiao. Please forgive me, forgive me!"

"Why?" Chi Yu clenched her hair and gritted her teeth and asked, "what's the hatred between shimuqiao and Qingqing? Why did he harm Qingqing? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!