You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 637

Gu Junzhu looked at Chi Yu and Yue ya'er: "you can pass."

Chi Yu grateful thanks: "brother five, thank you."

Gu Jun Zhuxiao said, "now we are all our own people, don't mention it."

Chi Yu thanks to smile, holding Chi Qing, to the direction of the basement.

Looking at Chi Qing, he didn't know whether it was his own illusion. He felt that his sister's face had a lot more luster, and her eyes were a little black, no longer as if they had been covered with something before.

Looking at his sister's change, he felt more excited and expectant.

He and Chi Zhan left and right, holding Chi Qing, enter the basement.

In the basement, three men were thrown on the ground like rag bags with their hands and feet tied and their mouths blocked.

Since these three men fell into the hands of Chi's family, they have been tortured every day like hell.

I'm afraid Chi Qing can't recognize them. Their faces are intact, but they don't eat much during this period of time. They occasionally throw food to them, which is also the leftover food. Several people are yellow and skinny, and their faces are full of dishes.

Shi Xiying was thrown in the corner, also tied hands and feet, blocking the mouth.

When Shi maotong sent her to Chi's home, she was injured. Chi Yu was afraid that she would die. As Gu Junzhu said, Shi maotong used her death as a handle to threaten Chi's home, which was good for her.

Of course, it's so-called good. It's just that Chi's family thinks it's good. It's just that she can't die.

After all, in the eyes of the Chi family, she is as vicious as Shi Xiying. Even if she is cut to pieces, she is worthy of death.

At this moment, the most painful thing for Shi Xiying is that she is sober.

She knew clearly that she had been abandoned by her father.

She became a prisoner of the Chi family.

Chi's family hated her and treated her like a dog every day.

She used to be the second lady of the teacher's family. She was bright, arrogant and domineering. She had never suffered any hardship since she grew up.

But overnight, she fell from heaven to hell, living every day is not like death.

She was locked up in the iron cage in the basement like a dog. When she couldn't survive or die, she regretted it day and night.

Regret should not hurt rain.

Regret should not provoke Ye Xingbei.

Even regret, should not destroy Chi Qing.

It turns out that it is true that the good and evil in the book will be rewarded in the end.

What she had done to others, one by one, was her own.

As early as I knew today, she would be a honest second lady of the teacher's family.

If you give her another chance, she is willing to be a kind and lovely person and live her own life.

In that case, she still lives in a luxurious and beautiful villa, wearing custom-made clothes, tasting delicacies and living a happy life like a princess.

Instead of crawling under other people's feet like a dog.

She really knew she was wrong.

She changed.

But does she have a chance to go back?

Looking at Chi Yu and Chi Zhan carefully holding Chi Qing to her, she even envies Chi Qing.

Although Chi Qing has been spoiled and even turned into a fool, she has two brothers who love her sincerely.

Even if she was destroyed and became a disgrace to the Chi family, her two brothers still loved her as a treasure.

But what about her?

She was abandoned by her own father.

She stared at Chi Qing, tears quietly from her eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!