You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 634

A few minutes later, Gu's new assistant for Yue ya'er came into the room with the boiled Chinese medicine.

Yue ya'er stood up, took the medicine bowl, tried the temperature, and said to Chi Yu and Chi Zhan, "the medicine is very bitter. Can she drink it?"

Chi Zhan nodded, "Qingqing seems to have lost six senses. She will not resist anything she gives her."

"That's good," Yue ya'er said, "you hold her, and I'll help her to drink the medicine."

Chi Yu and Chi Zhan grab Chi Qing's arm and help her.

Chi Qingmu sat with no reaction.

Yue ya'er carefully pours the medicine into Chi Qing's mouth.

Chi Qing swallows the medicine with small mouthfuls, smelling it very bitter. She drinks it all, and her face doesn't show a strange expression, still numb.

Chi Zhan's heart was uncomfortable and his eyes were red again.

Chi Yu can't see anything on his face. He holds the palm of Chi Qing's arm, and the back of his hand stretches its green tendons.

After half an hour, Yue ya'er takes off the silver bracelet on his left wrist.

The bracelet was open. It was hollow and contained several silver needles.

After the silver needle was disinfected, Yue ya'er began to inject Chi Qing.

Ye Xingbei stares at Yue ya'er and stabs the slender silver needle into Chi Qing's skin inch by inch. For the first time, he appreciates the magic of traditional Chinese medicine from such a close distance.

The little sapling's eyes were full of surprise. He held Gu Junzhu's hand in one hand and ye Xingbei's hand in the other, and his face was full of "wow".

He whispered to Ye Xingbei: "Mom, it's amazing that such a thin, soft and long needle can penetrate into people's body! It's so deep! "

Ye Xingbei also noticed that the silver needle used by Chi Qing was much longer than that used by ordinary Chinese medicine.

Although she doesn't know much about traditional Chinese medicine, she has heard that the longer the silver needle, the more difficult it is to get into a person's body.

Yue ya'er is so young that he can use such a long silver needle. No wonder Chi Yu and Chi zhanyan bring Chi Qing to beg her.

Half an hour later, Yue ya'er was sweating.

Her assistant, Wu Siwei, stood beside her and wiped her sweat dutifully.

After another half an hour, Yue ya'er's sweat had soaked her whole body, and Wu Siwei's handkerchief was half wet.

Chi Yu and Chi Zhan are very nervous.

They have been supporting Chi Qing, but their eyes can't help looking at the needle in Yue ya'er's hand. Occasionally they look at Yue ya'er, and they see that Yue ya'er's face is pale and his hair is wet with sweat. They admire and appreciate him.

Looking at Yue ya'er's physical overdraft, ye Xingbei knows for the first time that needling is so exhausting.

Gu Jun leaned up to her ear and explained in a soft voice: "it takes some internal strength to straighten the needle if you want to prick it so deep. Therefore, the delicate doctor Yue in front of you must have some internal skill. Internal skill is the most exhausting. She has been using it for such a long time, and it's very good."

Ye Xingbei looked back, picked eyebrows to see him: "Jiao didi?"

Gu Jun was stunned and lost his smile. "This jiaodidi is just a simple adjective. It means that doctor Yue is very gentle and weak. It's totally different from the jiaodidi that my wife is in my arms."

Leaf Star North spat him, horizontal he one eye, ignore him.

Gu Jun rubbed her head with a smile.

Is Ye Xiaobei jealous?

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