You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 61

After breakfast, "husband and wife" send the kids to school together.

In the car, the little guy would sit on Gu Junzhu's leg and hold him around his neck. From time to time, he would rub his face against Gu Junzhu's face and talk in his ear.

Ye Xingbei is a little jealous.

The car stopped outside the gate of the first primary school. The little guy put his arm around Gu Junzhu's neck and stuck it for a long time before he got out of the car.

After getting off the bus, the little guy rushed back to Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei step by step and waved: "Dad, mom, we have to pick up the little tree after school in the afternoon!"

The little "Dad" screamed very loud, as if he was afraid that others would not hear him.

Beautiful little face, with a strong joy and show off.

Gu Jun by smile should be: "know, walk well, careful foot."

The little guy called "Dad" several times again. He went out for a long time and couldn't see it. Then he didn't look back and walked into the campus.

Gu Junzhu looked at the little guy's back and sighed softly: "I'm a little envious of sapling's biological father."

All the admiration and adoration of the little guy is for his own father.

He enjoyed the little guy's simple and passionate feelings, clean and pure, without any impurities.

I'm very happy to be depended on by such a lovely little guy with all my heart.

Ye Xingbei looked at him askew: "I'm not the biological mother of Xiaoshu either."

Gu Junzhu was slightly stunned. He quickly responded and couldn't help laughing. "If you don't tell me, I've forgotten. He was brought up by you since childhood. You are no different from his own mother."

After a pause, he said, "you are not as good as you are. Sapling is a good child. Even if he finds his own parents, you will be his favorite."

The leaf Star North droops Mou to look at the ground, silent for a while just say: "you also can!"

"Well?" Gu Junzhu was slightly surprised: "what?"

Ye Xingbei looked up at him, "thank you for being so nice to the little tree! No matter what you do to the little tree is true or acting, if you can always take care of the little tree as you did yesterday and today, you are the father of the little tree! When the little tree grows up, he will be filial to you! "

Gu Jun chuckled and shook his head: "I said you may not believe it. Everything I did to the sapling came from my heart!"

"He's lovely. You've taught him well."

"If your son is a bear child, I will only assume the title of" father "and ask me to pay for it. If I can help, I can find my subordinates. If I want to serve like this, I don't have a door or a window."

"But to sapling, no matter what I do for him, I am sincere."

He rubs the back of Ye Xingbei's head and smiles with his lips. "Director ye, it's you who teach such a good son. You can't help liking him at a glance. You can't help but want to make him happy and satisfy all his hopes. You can rest assured that I really like sapling, not just for fun. I'll always be good to him and take on the responsibility of a father. I won't give up halfway."

Ye Xingbei looked up at him.

The morning light fell on his face. In the clear morning light, a noble and elegant man was as handsome as a God.

She didn't know what happened to her, and her heart suddenly throbbed.

She moved her eyes, did not dare to look, face a little bit of red.

"I have something to do with my company. I'll go first." She was flustered and didn't know whether she was afraid or what, so she ran away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!