You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 568

Gu Jun looks at Ye Xingbei and thinks that this is a wonderful girl.

Cheated, hurt, betrayed by the most trusted person, he thought she would be sad, angry, hate, and even collapse, but she was calm when she woke up.

Her state of mind is better than he has ever seen. I'm afraid that in a few years, she will be able to achieve the state of not being happy with things and not being sad with herself.

But Gu Junzhu knows that many people don't cry when they are hurt. It's not that they are born slower than others, but that they are used to it.

Crying children have milk to eat.

Can cry dead also still no milk to eat children, for a long time, understand this truth, after nature will not cry.

In this way, he felt more in love with the girl.

How many wrongs do you have to suffer in order to calmly face the abandonment and betrayal that she regards as her relatives?

He couldn't help reaching for her head.

But it doesn't matter.

It's all in the past.

Before ye Xiaobei no one hurt, after he.

He hurt her.

Leaf star north side face looks at him, blunt he gentle smile, "we go back."

Gu Jun nodded, bent down to hold her in his arms, and told Gu Chi: "send the old witch back to the master's home."

What he should have done was done on the day when Wu Qizhen was sent to the cowherd bed.

For the rest of her life, Wu Qizhen will only live more and more painful day by day.

He no longer needs to do anything to Wu Qizhen.

He took Ye Xingbei back to the room, put her back on the bed and rubbed her head: "are you hungry? Would you like something to eat? "

There is a wound on the body, but also burned for a few days, ye Xingbei appetite has been bad, just a few days, lost a big circle.

Ye Xingbei thought, "have some purple rice porridge."

She doesn't really have much appetite, but she doesn't like to cause trouble.

Eat fast, and you'll get better soon.

Only when you have recovered, can you take care of others instead of becoming a burden to others.

Gu Jun calls the kitchen to make purple rice porridge.

He sat down by the bed and untied the gauze on Ye Xingbei's body. He was afraid that if ye Xingbei just moved, he would tear the wound.

In fact, he was worried too much.

He was very careful when he held Ye Xingbei.

Ye Xingbei's wound has already formed a thin layer of scab. It's OK.

But he was not at ease.

Seeing with his own eyes that it was ok, he applied a thick layer of Medicine on the wound again, and then wrapped the gauze again.

"This medicine is very effective," Ye Xingbei said sincerely, "this is the best trauma medicine I have ever used."

In the past, the trauma medicine she used to buy in Ye's family was the best one she couldn't buy in the market. She thought it was the best trauma medicine. She didn't expect that a mountain was higher than a mountain, and there were better ones.

Gu Junzhu said: "I used to have a special job and I was often injured. My father found a Chinese medicine expert to prepare the medicine for me. The medicine is very precious and has no market value. It's hard to get it. My father spent a lot of effort to make more than ten bottles. I use them myself and my friends also use them. Now there are only two bottles left, so "

Gu Jun flicked Ye Xingbei's forehead one by one," don't be so stupid in the future. All dogs and cats believe it. Next time you get hurt, there will be no magic medicine for you. "

Ye Xingbei took a look at the medicine he put in his hand: "it's so precious, then let's change it for another medicine? Put this medicine away and use it when the injury is serious. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!