You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 566

He didn't feel anything before, but now that something happened, he found out that a wife who couldn't carry her head clearly had been killed for eight generations.

Shi Shijun closed his eyes and choked: "I know, Dad..."

He knew that it would not help him to stay here.

Although at this time to leave, he is not reconciled, but for him, this is the best choice.

That night, Shi Shijun got on the plane to RS country.

Shi maotong personally sent him to the airport, watched him board the plane, and watched the plane take off, he sighed deeply.

But overnight, he seemed to be more than a decade old.

He closed his eyes, turned, got into the car and went home.

A few minutes later, Wu Qizhen's angry voice came from her room: "why do you only send ah Jun alone? Why don't you let me go with ah Jun? Up to now, my video is still hanging on the Internet. I don't even dare to go out. Why don't you let me go abroad with Ajun to avoid the limelight? "

Shi maotong stared at her coldly and said coldly, "because you are going to take care of your family and ye's family and make amends to them! It's because you sent Ye Xingbei to the underground whorehouse that the master's family will have today. You are the culprit. You should kowtow to them and plead with them to let us go! "

"No! I'm not going! I'm not going! I'm not going Wu Qizhen roared: "ah Jun can go abroad, so can I! Isn't the teacher's family still alive? Our house, car and company are worth a lot of money. You give me money, I take Xiaoying and sissy, we all go abroad! As long as we have money, we can live well wherever we go! "

"Don't dream!" Shi maotong said coldly, "ah Jun can go abroad because he has never offended anyone and has never done anything wrong. You and your two good daughters, one destroyed Chi Qing, one betrayed ye Xinglan, and the other offended Gu Junzhu. Do you still want to go abroad? Even if you run away from heaven and earth, they will chase you back! "

"Then let sissy and Xiaoying stay, and I'll go by myself!" Wu Qizhen roared madly: "let Xiaoying and sissy make amends. Let me leave alone! I'll take more money with me. I'll go far away, and I'll be able to hide well. "

Shi Mao stepped back and wondered where his eyes had grown before.

Such a disgusting woman, how could he think she was beautiful before?

"Somebody He turned and said coldly, "take her to my car."

"Yes His confidant, who was guarding the door, opened the door and came in.

Looking at Shi maotong's confidants coming towards her, Wu Qizhen's eyes are red.

She must not be sent to the north of Ye Xing.

Ye Xingbei hates her to the bone. If she is sent to Ye Xingbei, there is only one way to die!

She kept retreating, but the room was so big that she was quickly grabbed by Shi maotong's hands.

Her brain was congested and her eyes were red. She suddenly roared: "Shi maotong!"

She fiercely broke away from her twisted arms, grabbed the scissors for flower arrangement on the table, and stabbed Shi maotong's back heart.

"Be careful, sir!" Shi maotong's men kick Wu Qizhen's wrist.

With the "click" sound of bone fracture, Wu Qizhen screamed, fell to the ground, scissors off.

When Shi maotong looked back, he just saw the scissors in Wu Qizhen's hand stabbing at his heart, which scared him into a cold sweat and made his heart almost stop beating.

He slowed down for a moment, strode to Wu Qizhen and stepped on her broken wrist. , the fastest update of the webnovel!