You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 550

"What you said is very reasonable, but why should I go to plead for you?" There is a crack on ye Xinglan's expressionless face. He stares at Shi Xiling angrily, "Beibei is my sister! Your mother sent her to the underground whore house to be ruined! My father's life and death are uncertain because of the good things your mother has done. If my father dies, your mother is my enemy who killed my father. Why should I plead for your mother? "

Ye Xinglan has always been cold and self-control, Shi Xiling has never seen him so angry and out of control.

She was scared to lose color. She stepped back and looked at ye Xinglan in disbelief.

She didn't expect that ye Xinglan thought so!

Ye Xinglan actually put his father's blood vomiting and coma account on her mother's head.

According to ye Xinglan, if ye Wuwei dies, her mother is his father's enemy.

And she was the daughter of his father's enemy.

If ye Xinglan thinks so, will ye Xinglan marry her?

If her family goes bankrupt, ye Xinglan doesn't marry her, and Chi's family and Duanmu's family still want to make their teacher's life worse than death, then, when her family goes bankrupt, ye Xinglan will no longer protect her, what will be her terrible end?

Think of these, she shuddered, hard hit a shiver, eyes gushed with tears.

She looked at ye Xinglan with tears, and she wanted to cry: "brother LAN, I admit that it's my mother's fault that my mother sent Beibei to the underground whorehouse, but it's not all my mother's fault. It's aunt Tong who gave Ye Xingbei to my mother. If it's not aunt Tong, with my mother's ability, I can't kidnap Ye Xingbei. As for uncle's hematemesis, isn't it driven by Gu Jun? How can I count on my mother? Brother LAN, please calm down. I know you're not feeling well. I'm also very sad. But let's calm down. Shall we not fight? "

If it was in the past, Shi Xiling's supplication in such a soft voice, he would not be angry with her even if he yelled at her. Ye Xinglan would have felt guilty and loved her for a long time.

But at the moment, he thought of his father who might die at any time, and his chest was full of rage to kill.

He hated Wu Qizhen to death.

He never dreamed that Wu Qizhen was such a mean person.

She even sent Beibei to the underground whorehouse!

Even if she tortured Beibei, she sent Beibei to the prostitute's house.

When a girl goes to a place like that, it's more miserable than death.

Wu Qizhen is a beast!

And that beast, almost became his mother-in-law.

Think of the disgusting Shi Xiying, and then think of the vicious Wu Qizhen. Now facing Shi Xiling, the most beautiful woman in Y country, he only feels disgusted. He can no longer feel the pity and admiration of the past.

He doesn't want to have anything to do with the dirty and smelly teachers!

Looking at Shi Xiling coldly, he suddenly said, "there's something at home now. I'm short of hands. Lend me the curtain Pavilion. I'll use it for a while."

Shi Xiling's face suddenly changed. Although she quickly returned to normal, ye Xinglan didn't miss the panic in her eyes.

Ye Xinglan sneered and looked at her sarcastically.

Sure enough, the teacher's family is a garbage can for filth. There is no good thing!

Shi Xiling was flustered in her heart, but she pretended nothing happened on her face, and her voice was more gentle: "brother LAN, the curtain Pavilion is in poor health, and her skill is the worst, and she is not smart enough. Why don't I give you Muan and MUKANG? They are both good at skill, and they are smart. Brother LAN can use them more easily." , the fastest update of the webnovel!