You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 55

He didn't know what happened to him. He didn't get close to a woman before. Even if a woman seduced him naked, he could stay still. Not to mention his heart, even his eyes couldn't move.

But in the face of Ye Xingbei, his self-control is always out of control, and he quietly returns to zero. He can't help but want to kiss her and tease her.

What the hell!

Maybe it's because he made up his mind to live with this little girl for the rest of his life, and he didn't plan to divorce and get married, so he took this little girl as his own person?

A person's life is so long. How is it possible to sleep without hugging his wife?

Now that we have decided to live together, isn't it normal to solve the basic physiological needs for each other?


Unfortunately, he took this little girl as his partner for the rest of his life, and he didn't plan to divorce her in the future, but she didn't think so, and wanted to keep herself as a jade!

He sighed and touched Ye Xingbei's face, "baby, don't cry, don't cry! I don't mean to despise you. I really want to love you

Ye Xingbei was shocked by his shamelessness. He opened his eyes and couldn't cry. "Gu Junzhu, why are you so shameless? Who's going to love you? We're a fake couple, okay? Fake! We have made three rules before we said it. We are husband and wife in name. We don't have to fulfill our duties as husband and wife! "

"That's what I said, but honey, think about it," Gu Jun looked at her solemnly, "don't you want to get married in the future?"

Ye Xingbei thought about it and nodded.


She doesn't want to get married any more.

At least until she gets married and has children, she doesn't want to get married.

It's not easy for a woman to find a partner with her son.

Even if found, when she marries that man, will that man treat Xiaoshu as his own?

if she marries a man in the future, that man will definitely ask her to have a child for him, and she will have another child. What about Xiaoshu?

She didn't know why she loved the child so much, but she knew that she didn't want the tree to be wronged at all.

She's not interested in marriage. She's not interested in men.

Many of the women she met abroad had never married in her life, and none of them had a good life.

And she, and the little tree.

The little tree is all she has.

Small trees are more important than everything else.

She won't get married, find a man, let the tree be wronged.

Seeing her nodding, Gu Junzhu continued: "you see, you are not going to find a man in the future, and I am not going to find a woman in the future. In the second half of my life, we two will live together in a small tree. In this case, we have to solve some basic physiological problems, right? We men need it, and so do you women. We are husband and wife in name, and we share the same bed. Don't you go out to find a man to solve it? "

Ye Xingbei blushed as if to drop blood, gnashing his teeth: "I don't need to find a man!"

"How could it be?" Gu Junzhu said solemnly: "even animals have to be matched in season, let alone human beings? That kind of thing is the nature that human beings can reproduce. As long as you are human, you will have that kind of demand! "

"You, you, you That's bullshit Ye Xingbei was shy and angry, and stammered, "I never thought about it!"

"Is it?" Gu Jun narrowed his eyes and licked his lips like a aftertaste. "I remember that day, you were very cool under me..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!