You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 499

See clearly the scars on his body, ye Xingbei trembles.

Whiplash, scald, burn Even the two points on the chest.

Ye Xingbei Meng thinks of the video that Xiang Bingzi abused Luo Fengming, which she once saw. She is so angry that her eyes turn black.

Yunuo's injury is better than Luo Fengming's.

Rain Nuo must be more abused than Luo Fengming, otherwise rain Nuo would not even resist her approach.

She angrily grabbed her cell phone and dialed ye Xinglan again. Without waiting for ye Xinglan to speak, she yelled angrily: "don't you think you're going too far? Are you defending Shi Xiying or Shi Xiling? Rain is my man! Why does Shi Xiying torture Yu Nuo? Don't you know? Where is she tormenting raino? She torments me! She hit me in the face, stepped on my face, she really want to abuse the person is me, rain is suffering for me! Why are you hiding it from me? Have you thought about how I feel? "

Ye Xinglan said: "Beibei, you listen to my explanation, I..."

"You don't need to explain anything," Ye Xingbei's sad voice choked: "I now know very clearly that in your heart, your girlfriend and your future sister-in-law are much more important than my sister. In order to please them, you treat me as a fool, and you are indifferent when you see my important people being abused! Young master ye, do you know? You're really smart, but you're so cool! I hate you

Ye Xingbei angrily hangs up his mobile phone. He is angry, sad and distressed about the suffering of Yunuo. His tears flow out of his eyes and shake all over.

Snow worried called: "Miss..."

Yu Nuo also said: "Miss, actually I'm fine. "

"What do you mean it's all right?" Ye Xingbei wiped his tears and gritted his teeth: "Yunuo, you wait. How does Shi Xiying abuse you? I will help you to do it again. I bear that she is not afraid of her. She doesn't want to worry about brain damage, but she bullies people too much! I won't let him go if she does this to you! "

Rain Nuo pleaded: "Miss, I'm really OK. Don't give miss any trouble because of me..."

"Rain, you don't be so stupid," Ye Xingbei pained to see him: "rain, you remember, your body injury, is for me, she wants to abuse me, not you, she abuse you, is to show me! I want revenge, not for you, but for myself! "

Rain still a face uneasy, leaf Star North look to snow: "snow, you take good care of rain."

She can't stay here any longer.

She was angry and heartbroken, and her chest was choked as if it was going to explode.

She didn't call the driver and drove to the seaside.

I thought the sea breeze would make me feel better.

Who knows, the more I blow, the worse my mood is. My mind is full of all kinds of injuries on raino's body, and I guess what kind of abuse raino has suffered.

The more I think about it, the more I want to rush to Shi Xiying and chop her to death.

She was in a rage when her feet rang out behind her.

She was about to look back, surrounded by people from behind.

She was startled. She raised her elbow to hit back. Gu Junzhu's familiar voice rang in her ear: "Shh, little wild cat, be gentle. I'm your husband!"

Ye Xingbei's tight body relaxes, wriggles and tries to separate him: "do you know that people are frightening and frightening to death? You don't walk soundly

"Because I'm a martial arts expert," Gu Junzhu gave her a kiss behind her ear. "I've made a sound on purpose. You didn't hear it yourself."

See can't leave him, leaf Star North no longer do useless work, "how did you come?"

"I heard from the housekeeper that my little wild cat was angry and ran away from home. Can I not come?" Gu Jun by pinching her chin, forcing her to turn back and look at him, frown: "cry?"

"No..." Ye Xingbei is embarrassed.

Gu Junzhu and she said at the same time: "sand in the eyes!"

Gu Wuye shrugged: "you should use your brain and think of a more sincere excuse."

Ye Xingbei

This person is still so annoying!

Gu Jun pulled her body to face her, touched her face, and leaned over her eyes to kiss her. The magnetic voice was softer than the sea breeze: "Ye Xiaobei, it's OK. The sky is falling. I'll help you with it. Come on, tell your husband, who bullied you? Let our son's green hair bite them to death!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!