You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 462

"Don't, don't," Joe came in with a smile on his face, took Fang Yao to sit down opposite Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei, and said hello to Ye Xingbei: "good little aunt!"

Ye Xingbei

She's not good at all!

She quickly got up: "I'll make you tea!"

She ran into the kitchen as fast as she could.

Qiao Zui looked at Gu Junzhu with an innocent face: "don't blame me. We've made an appointment for 50 minutes. I'm here on time. It's not much, it's not much!"

"Why should I blame you? What do you see? " Gu Jun takes the glass one by one and gives him a cool glance. He is graceful and can be painted.

Joe was drunk and just shook his head. "Yes, I didn't see anything! As soon as I entered the door, I saw my little uncle sitting here alone drinking water By the way, where's my little aunt? Why don't you see my little aunt? "

Fang Yao

I really want to kill the shameful goods around me!

Ye Xingbei quickly made tea and served it. He also cut fruits, took desserts and treated them warmly.

Joe drunk sweet, eating delicious desserts, generous praise: "little aunt really virtuous, virtuous and beautiful, little uncle, you have a good eye."

Gu Junzhu looked at Ye Xingbei and said with a smile, "all night long, you finally said a word."

Joe is drunk

He was afraid that he would never be able to have a good chat with his little uncle in his life.

His little uncle is definitely the end of the chat!

Little aunt is better!

The key is that my aunt is not afraid of my uncle.

The heroine of women!

According to his observation, his little uncle has the potential to become a hen pecked husband, so he will hold his little aunt's thigh well from now on.

Maybe one day his little aunt's thigh will grow into a golden cudgel, which can shelter him from the wind and rain, and help him escape his little uncle's kneading Lin!

It's getting late. Several people don't talk much. Ye Xingbei asks the housekeeper to send Qiao Zui and Fang Yao to their guest room.

The next morning, she got up early and had breakfast.

She made some delicious dishes and cooked fruit porridge.

She saw that Joe was drunk and sweet.

Ling Yue and her son both like sweet fruit porridge, so must Qiao Zui.

She is busy in the kitchen, with a bath after the fragrance of Gu Junzhu from behind her around her waist, chin against her shoulder: "baby, little drunk is right, you are too virtuous."

His lips stick to Ye Xingbei, and then the warm breath tickles Ye Xingbei's ears.

Ye Xingbei tilted his head, "don't make trouble, you're busy."

"No trouble, I'm comforting my hard-working wife!" Gu Junzhu held her still and said, "honey, do you particularly worship Fang Yao? I've never seen you so attentive before. "

Even Xie Yunlin, Xie Jinfei, ye Xinglan and ye Xingli are not treated like this!

"Yes," said Ye Xingbei, "and Fang Yao, they are injured! They are injured in order to protect their country. Of course, I want to be nice to them. "

"I was injured to protect my family and defend my country. Why didn't you treat me better?" Mr. Gu was wronged.

Ye Xingbei curiously turned to see him: "since the day I met you, many people said you were terminally ill. Gu also said that you left your former work place because of injury. He also said that you had a hidden wound on your body. I can't say when it broke out. How come I never saw it?"

"That's because after I married you, it never happened again," Gu Jun asked her to kiss her. "That's why my father said you Wangfu! How much do you think my dad likes you? He listens to everything you say, because what? It's because of you, Wangfu , the fastest update of the webnovel!