You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 449

Xiang Laozi was angry with him and laughed. He turned his mind a few times and slapped him on the shoulder! Xiaoyue will be handed over to you. I'm relieved to give it to you! "

He doesn't like honeycomb briquette in other people's children's hearts, but he still likes it if his family can follow Gu Junzhu and learn from him.

Although he disliked Gu Junzhu, he was too tired to deal with, but he had to admit that Gu Junzhu's ability was the best among his peers.

Only a good teacher can be a good student.

And he's old.

Old people tend to be confused.

Ling Yue can follow Gu Junzhu and be taught by Gu Junzhu himself, which is Ling Yue's blessing.

He was completely relieved at this thought.

In the final analysis, he wants to bring Ling Yue back to him for the sake of Ling Yue.

Since it's the best choice for Ling Yue to stay by Gu Junzhu's side, what else does he want?

The only regret is that we can't take Ling Yue home to cultivate our feelings and enjoy our family.

But Ling Yue's life is still long. The most important thing for him is to study hard and grow into an excellent man like Gu Jun.

He can't delay Ling Yue's growth in order to enjoy his family.

Finally, he completely gets rid of the old man Xiang and keeps Ling Yue for his precious son. Gu Wuye is in a good mood.

But his good mood didn't last long. After a phone call, the smile on his face disappeared.

Ye Xingbei sees that Gu Jun enters the compartment and answers a phone call. His face is not good. He pulls him aside and asks, "what's the matter? What's the matter? "

Gu Jun pursed his lower lip: "my father just called me and said that my nephew came to Jiangcheng."

Ye Xingbei does not understand: "you and your nephew sentiment is not good?"

"No," Gu Jun turned to look out of the window, his eyes were deep. "He retired because of his injury. My father said that the climate here is suitable for him to recover. In addition, I'm here. Let him come to me and let me take care of him."

His expression and tone, rare dignified, let Ye Xingbei have a heavy and breathless feeling.

Gu Jun looked out of the window and didn't know what he was thinking.

She felt a little sad from his figure standing by the window.

It suddenly occurred to her that she had forgotten who had said that Gu Junzhu had left his work place because of his injury.

She put her hand gently on his arm: "you Do you like your old job very much

Gu Jun chuckled and turned to look at him, "my father works to protect his family and defend his country. Since I can remember, he told me that when I grow up, I will defend my country like him I thought, like my father, I would fight for this ideal all my life It turns out that... "

He was discharged from the army because of injury.

In fact, with his ability, he can stay and become an office worker.

But his body was not good at that time. He couldn't get out of bed if he couldn't get out of bed. Sometimes he stayed in bed for more than 20 days a month.

The place where he works is not the place where he raises the disabled.

So he chose to leave.

He had heard that the saddest thing in the world was that a beautiful man was dying and a hero was dying.

When he was lying in bed, motionless and unable to do anything, he knew the end of a hero.

Now, his nephew has experienced the pain he once experienced.

His father said his nephew hurt his right arm.

Exaggeration point to say, his nephew once beat all over the world invincible hand, but now, the right arm can't move.

His performance, in the most brilliant when suddenly ended.

The end of a hero. , the fastest update of the webnovel!