You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 388

After reading the materials, ye Xingbei was shocked to become a sculpture. After a long time, his long eyelashes trembled and came back to life, breathing out a long breath.

She looked at Gu Jun and asked, "so now this Jianghuan is actually Jianglin! The real Jiang Huan has been killed by Jiang Lin, who is guilty of murder. "

"When Jiang Lin killed Jiang Huan, Jiang Huan and our grandmother already gave birth to my father and my second uncle. After Jiang Lin pretended to be Jiang Huan, he gave birth to Jiang Zhengxing with our grandmother?"

Gu Jun nodded, "yes."

Ye Xingbei seized the information in his hand, "so Only Jiang Zhengxing is Jiang Lin's own son, and my father and second uncle are Jiang Huan's sons? "

The leaf star left disorderly, made a pause gesture, "north north, you don't say, you let me slowly!"

He took a few deep breaths before he said, "that is to say, now Jiang Huan is actually the beast of Jiang Lin! After Jiang Lin replaced Jiang Huan, he gave birth to Jiang Zhengxing with our grandmother, and my father and uncle were born by Jiang Huan. My uncle and my father and Jiang Zhengxing are not brothers, but cousins? "

Gu Jun glanced at him and said, "your father and Jiang Zhengxing are both cousins and half brothers."

Ye Xingli is more disordered. He covers his sore heart and says pale: "I don't want to know that, thank you!"

If his father knows, now Jiang Huan is actually Jiang Lin.

His grandfather, Jiang Huan, had been killed by Jiang Lin for a long time. His father must have had a relapse and died of vomiting blood.

How to dig, dig out such a deadly secret.

I'm dying!

Ye Xinglan, who has always been calm and calm, has some spirit floating now.

He didn't dare to let his father know such a dirty secret.

Many years ago, his father was attacked when he was on a business trip in country y. when he resisted, his father was seriously injured and finally fell into the sea. By coincidence, he was saved by his mother, who was travelling on a boat at sea.

Of course, at that time, his mother was still waiting for her daughter and did not know his father.

As Gu Junzhu said, his father is so beautiful. His mother fell in love with him at first sight and brought him home.

His father lost his memory when he woke up. His mother searched for his father's family for a long time, but she didn't find his father's family. She thought his father was alone and left him at home.

Later, his parents got married and had him and his younger brother.

His mother is very kind to his father and takes good care of him.

His grandfather also loved his father as a parent-child.

But when his father was beaten into the sea, he fell ill. After so many years, he could not recover and his cardiopulmonary function was extremely poor.

If this disgusting secret is known by his father, his father may not be able to save it.

Thinking of his father's anger and heartache after he knew the truth, ye Xinglan's heart contracted, clenched his fist, his eyes were cold, and he hated to the extreme.

He has been staring at Jiang Zhengxing, thinking that Jiang Zhengxing is a beast with human face and animal heart.

Only now did he know that Jiang Huan No, it's Jiang Lin!

Jiang Lin is worse than Jiang Zhengxing.

As expected, the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. The old beast produces a little beast. Father and son have no good things!

He took a deep breath and looked at Gu Junzhu, "brother five, with the evidence we have, can we send Jiang Lin to prison?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!