You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 381

"Cousin Cousin Leng peini looks at Ye Xingli, ye Xinglan and ye Xingbei. She suddenly laughs madly, points to Ye Xingbei and asks them, "why? Why didn't you tell me that she was your cousin? If I had known that she was your cousin, how could I worry about gain and loss, be a villain in vain, and deliberately harm her? "

The more she said, the more she hated, the more she said, the more she was unwilling. She rushed to the front of Ye Xingli, grabbed Ye Xingli's collar and shook it desperately in tears, "you say! Say it! Why? Why didn't you tell me that she was your cousin? You told me that she is your cousin, you can't marry her, I won't take her as my rival, I don't have to worry about her snatching you day and night, I won't always think that there is no Ye Xingbei in the world! "

She grabbed Ye Xingli's collar and screamed: "you did it! It's all your fault! If you tell me that ye Xingbei is your cousin, I won't be so afraid and painful every day, and I won't do such stupid things because of fear and pain! Why? Why? Ye Xingli, I'm so good to you. I give you my whole heart. Why do you cheat me? Why? "

Ye Xingli pushed her away, subconsciously looked at Ye Xingbei, some guilty.

But his guilty heart is to Ye Xingbei, not to Leng peini.

Why not recognize Ye Xingbei? It is Ye Xingbei, not Leng peini, who he wants to explain.

He turned to Gu Chi and said, "please call in my bodyguard."

Gu Chi looks at Gu Jun and chases him.

The corner of the lip has been hooking a smile to see the good play of Gu Junzhu, slightly nodded.

Gu Chi nodded and said yes, turning to go out.

Soon, ye Xingli's bodyguard Zhen Qi follows Gu Chi into the living room.

Zhen Qi walked to Ye Xing and bowed his head to salute: "young master."

Ye Xingli pointed to Leng peini: "let her leave here, and then tell her to go down. Leng peini and I have broken up. From today on, there is no relationship between the Ye family and Leng peini. I don't want to see her appear in any place related to our family or our company. Do you understand me?"

Zhenqi ordered: "yes, young master!"

He stepped forward and motioned to Leng peini, "Miss Leng, please!"

Leng peini's face was as white as paper, and her body was shaking like a fallen leaf in the autumn wind.

She rushes in front of Ye Xingli and reaches for ye Xingli. Being shocked, she grabs her wrist and turns her arm behind her, forcing her to turn around and walk towards the door.

Leng peini struggled desperately, but she couldn't match the strength of Zhenqi.

She cried in despair: "ah Li, please, don't be so cruel, I love you! I only love you! For you, I am willing to do anything, please, don't let me lose you! I can't lose you. I'll die without you. Ah Li, please forgive me this time. Ah Li, I dare not. Please forgive me this time... "

Her voice faded away and finally disappeared into the distant night.

Ye Xing closed his eyes and sat down on the sofa.

My heart hurts.

He didn't know whether the relationship between him and Leng peini was love or not.

But he was sincere to Leng peini.

He really thought about his relationship with Leng peini.

It's a pity that he was wrong.

After a long silence, ye Xingbei suddenly said, "well, Leng peini's affair has come to an end. Now, it's time for us to talk about our affair."

Ye Xinglan and ye Xingli look at him at the same time, and they can't help but sit up straight and tighten their nerves. , the fastest update of the webnovel!