You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 379

She knew that it was against the law to kill people. She did not dare to buy a murderer to kill Ye Xingbei, and she did not dare to kill Ye Xingbei herself, because she was afraid of going to prison and paying for ye Xingbei's life.

But when she knew that she only needed to replace Ye Xingbei's chocolate, without any legal liability, she was moved.

When she fell ill, she bought wigs and clothes for disguise on the Internet, changed her face, flew to Fengcheng and customized sugar free chocolate.

Fengcheng is a famous candy town in the world. There are 800 custom candy studios.

It's hidden in the city.

She disguised herself and went to Fengcheng to make candy. It was like a drop of water fell into the sea. In the future, even if someone suspected, she could not be found.

She thought her plan was perfect and nobody could see it.

But the devil is a foot higher than the devil.

She was found.

The thing she was most afraid of happened.

Ye Xingli wants to break up with her!


She can't break up.

She wants to marry Ye Xingli and be the second young lady of the Ye family.

She loves Ye Xingli and the position of the second young lady of the Ye family.

Only when she marries Ye Xingli will she be happy for the rest of her life.

She threw herself into Ye Xingli's arms, hugged Ye Xingli's neck and cried: "ah Li, I love you. I can't lose you. If I lose you, I will live worse than death! I'm so afraid that ye Xingbei will take you away from me I don't want to I don't know how I can be like this. It's just like being infected with evil. I, I must be infected with evil. Ah li... "

Ye Xingli pushed her away and said indifferently, "I don't think you are evil, but I am!"

He fell in love with such a woman because of his evil.

Before he fell in love with Leng peini, he had many girlfriends, but they didn't last long. When the freshness passed, he broke up peacefully.

Only Leng peini is an exception.

In Ye Xingli's eyes, Leng peini is like a flame, beautiful, flying, strong, and like a knife in wine, mellow and delicious.

He likes spicy girls like Leng peini. Although she is a little grumpy, arrogant and domineering, she has a taste.

Cold penny can always make him happy.

Although there is still something between them that makes him unable to make up his mind to marry Leng peini, he never thought of breaking up with Leng peini.

He thought that in a few more years, if they still fit together as they do now, he would marry Leng peini.

Although in Leng peini, he didn't find the feeling of vigorous love that was shot by Cupid's arrow in the book, he felt that he and Leng peini were very congenial and had a good time together.

Isn't marriage just living together?

Can't find the vigorous love, the company of the long stream can also!

He never thought that what he thought was cold penny, who was a little grumpy, arrogant and domineering. She was so vicious in her heart!

Because she regarded Beibei as her imaginary rival, she wanted to kill Beibei.

He can stand Leng peini's capricious, domineering and bad temper, but he can't stand Leng peini's viciousness!

He looked at Leng peini, disappointed: "what do you think? Everything in Beibei makes you want to kill her! Just because you think I might like Beibei in the future, you want to kill a person just for something that hasn't happened. How can you be so vicious? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!